Module Asmgen

From Lambda to assembly code

type middle_end = backend:(module Backend_intf.S) -> prefixname:string -> ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Lambda.program -> Clambda.with_constants

The type of converters from Lambda to Clambda.

val compile_implementation : ?toplevel:(string -> bool) -> backend:(module Backend_intf.S) -> prefixname:string -> middle_end:middle_end -> ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Lambda.program -> unit

Compile an implementation from Lambda using the given middle end.

val compile_implementation_linear : Unit_info.t -> unit
val compile_phrase : ppf_dump:Format.formatter -> Cmm.phrase -> unit
type error =
  1. | Assembler_error of string
  2. | Mismatched_for_pack of string option
  3. | Asm_generation of string * Emitaux.error
exception Error of error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
val compile_unit : output_prefix:string -> asm_filename:string -> keep_asm:bool -> obj_filename:string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit