Module Unit_info

This module centralize the handling of compilation files and their metadata.

Maybe more importantly, this module provides functions for deriving module names from strings or filenames.

Module name convention and computation

type modname = string
type filename = string
type file_prefix = string
val modulize : string -> modname

modulize s capitalizes the first letter of s.

val normalize : string -> string

normalize s uncapitalizes the first letter of s.

val modname_from_source : filename -> modname

modname_from_source filename is modulize stem where stem is the basename of the filename filename stripped from all its extensions. For instance, modname_from_source "/" is "X".

Module name validation function

val is_unit_name : modname -> bool

is_unit_name ~strict name is true only if name can be used as a valid module name.

Metadata for compilation unit

type t

Metadata for a compilation unit:

  • the module name associated to the unit
  • the filename prefix (dirname + basename with all extensions stripped) for compilation artifacts
  • the input source file For instance, when calling ocamlopt dir/x.mli -o target/y.cmi,
  • the input source file is dir/x.mli
  • the module name is Y
  • the prefix is target/y
val source_file : t -> filename

source_file u is the source file of u.

val prefix : t -> file_prefix

prefix u is the filename prefix of the unit.

val modname : t -> modname

modname u or artifact_modname a is the module name of the unit or compilation artifact.

val check_unit_name : t -> unit

check_unit_name u prints a warning if the derived module name modname u should not be used as a module name as specified by is_unit_name ~strict:true.

val make : ?check_modname:bool -> source_file:filename -> file_prefix -> t

make ~check ~source_file prefix associates both the source_file and the module name modname_from_source target_prefix to the prefix filesystem path prefix.

If check_modname=true, this function emits a warning if the derived module name is not valid according to check_unit_name.

module Artifact : sig ... end

Derived build artifact metadata

val cmi : t -> Artifact.t

Those functions derive a specific artifact metadata from an unit metadata.

val cmo : t -> Artifact.t
val cmx : t -> Artifact.t
val obj : t -> Artifact.t
val cmt : t -> Artifact.t
val cmti : t -> Artifact.t
val annot : t -> Artifact.t
val companion_obj : Artifact.t -> Artifact.t

The functions below change the type of an artifact by updating the extension of its filename. Those functions purposefully do not cover all artifact kinds because we want to track which artifacts are assumed to be bundled together.

val companion_cmt : Artifact.t -> Artifact.t
val companion_cmi : Artifact.t -> Artifact.t

Beware that companion_cmi a strips all extensions from the filename of a before adding the ".cmi" suffix contrarily to the other functions which only remove the rightmost extension. In other words, the companion cmi of a file something.d.cmo is something.cmi and not something.d.cmi.

Mli and cmi derived from implementation files

The compilation of module implementation changes in presence of mli and cmi files, the function belows help to handle this.

val mli_from_source : t -> filename

mli_from_source u is the interface source filename associated to the unit u. The actual suffix depends on Config.interface_suffix.

val mli_from_artifact : Artifact.t -> filename

mli_from_artifact t is the name of the interface source file derived from the artifact t. This variant is necessary when handling artifacts derived from an unknown source files (e.g. packed modules).

val is_cmi : Artifact.t -> bool

Check if the artifact is a cmi

val find_normalized_cmi : t -> Artifact.t

find_normalized_cmi u finds in the load_path a file matching the module name modname u.