module Dep :
Set.OrderedType with type t = Cmo_format.compunit * Cmo_format.compunit
val link : Misc.filepath list -> Misc.filepath -> unit
val check_consistency : Misc.filepath -> Cmo_format.compilation_unit -> unit
val extract_crc_interfaces : unit -> Misc.crcs
type error =
| File_not_found of Misc.filepath
| Not_an_object_file of Misc.filepath
| Wrong_object_name of Misc.filepath
| Symbol_error of Misc.filepath * Symtable.error
| Inconsistent_import of Misc.modname * Misc.filepath * Misc.filepath
| Custom_runtime
| File_exists of Misc.filepath
| Cannot_open_dll of Misc.filepath
| Camlheader of string * Misc.filepath
| Wrong_link_order of DepSet.t
| Multiple_definition of Cmo_format.compunit * Misc.filepath * Misc.filepath
exception Error of error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit