Module Persistent_env

module Consistbl : module type of struct include Consistbl.Make(Misc.Stdlib.String) end
type error =
  1. | Illegal_renaming of Misc.modname * Misc.modname * Misc.filepath
  2. | Inconsistent_import of Misc.modname * Misc.filepath * Misc.filepath
  3. | Need_recursive_types of Misc.modname
exception Error of error
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error -> unit
module Persistent_signature : sig ... end
type can_load_cmis =
  1. | Can_load_cmis
  2. | Cannot_load_cmis of Lazy_backtrack.log
type 'a t
val empty : unit -> 'a t
val clear : 'a t -> unit
val clear_missing : 'a t -> unit
val fold : 'a t -> (Misc.modname -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'b
val read : 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> Unit_info.Artifact.t -> 'a
val find : allow_hidden:bool -> 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> Misc.modname -> 'a
val find_in_cache : 'a t -> Misc.modname -> 'a option
val check : allow_hidden:bool -> 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> loc:Location.t -> Misc.modname -> unit
val looked_up : 'a t -> Misc.modname -> bool
val is_imported : 'a t -> Misc.modname -> bool
val is_imported_opaque : 'a t -> Misc.modname -> bool
val register_import_as_opaque : 'a t -> Misc.modname -> unit
val save_cmi : 'a t -> Persistent_signature.t -> 'a -> unit
val can_load_cmis : 'a t -> can_load_cmis
val set_can_load_cmis : 'a t -> can_load_cmis -> unit
val without_cmis : 'a t -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'b -> 'c
val import_crcs : 'a t -> source:Misc.filepath -> Misc.crcs -> unit
val imports : 'a t -> Misc.crcs
val crc_of_unit : 'a t -> (Persistent_signature.t -> 'a) -> Misc.modname -> Digest.t
val add_delayed_check_forward : ((unit -> unit) -> unit) ref