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Module OpamRepositoryCommand

val update : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamTypes.repository -> unit
val update_package_index : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamState.Types.t
Update the package index.
val update_compiler_index : OpamState.Types.t -> OpamState.Types.t
Update the compiler index.
val update_dev_packages : OpamState.Types.t -> verbose:bool -> OpamTypes.package_set -> OpamTypes.package_set
Update the given dev packages.
val fix_compiler_descriptions : OpamState.Types.t -> verbose:bool -> OpamTypes.compiler_set OpamTypes.updates
Fix the compiler descriptions and display the changes if verbose is set.
val fix_package_descriptions : OpamState.Types.t -> verbose:bool -> OpamTypes.package_set OpamTypes.updates
Fix the the package descriptions and display the changes if verbose is set.
val fix_descriptions : ?save_cache:bool -> OpamState.Types.t -> verbose:bool -> unit
Fix all the package and compiler descriptions.
val list : short:bool -> unit
List the available repositories.
val add : OpamTypes.repository_name -> OpamTypes.repository_kind -> OpamTypes.address -> priority:int option -> unit
Add a new repository.
val remove : OpamTypes.repository_name -> unit
Remove a repository.
val priority : OpamTypes.repository_name -> priority:int -> unit
Set a repository priority.
val set_url : OpamTypes.repository_name -> OpamTypes.address -> unit
Change the registered address of a repo