• en

Module OpamState

module Types : sig
Client state
type t = {
partial : bool;
root : OpamPath.t;
switch : OpamTypes.switch;
compiler : OpamTypes.compiler;
compiler_version : OpamTypes.compiler_version lazy_t;
opams : OpamFile.OPAM.t OpamTypes.package_map;
repositories : OpamFile.Repo_config.t OpamTypes.repository_name_map;
packages : OpamTypes.package_set;
available_packages : OpamTypes.package_set Lazy.t;
aliases : OpamFile.Aliases.t;
compilers : OpamTypes.compiler_set;
pinned : OpamFile.Pinned.t;
installed : OpamFile.Installed.t;
installed_roots : OpamFile.Installed_roots.t;
reinstall : OpamFile.Reinstall.t;
config : OpamFile.Config.t;
package_index : OpamFile.Package_index.t;
compiler_index : OpamFile.Compiler_index.t;
type state = Types.t
val load_state : ?save_cache:bool -> string -> state
Load the client state. The string argument is to identify to call site.
val rebuild_state_cache : unit -> unit
Rebuild the state cache.
val remove_state_cache : unit -> unit
Remove the state cache
val load_env_state : string -> state
Load state associated to env variables. All other fields are left empty.
val universe : state -> OpamTypes.user_action -> OpamTypes.universe
Create a universe from the current state
val get_full_env : ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> state -> OpamTypes.env
Get the current environment.
val get_opam_env : state -> OpamTypes.env
Get only environment modified by OPAM.
val add_to_env : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.env -> (string * string * string) list -> OpamTypes.env
Update an environment.
val print_env_warning_at_init : state -> OpamTypes.user_config -> unit
Print a warning if the environment is not set-up properly on init.
val print_env_warning_at_switch : state -> unit
Print a warning if the environment is not set-up properly on switch.
val update_setup_interactive : state -> OpamTypes.shell -> OpamTypes.filename -> bool
Update the global and user configuration by asking some questions.
val display_setup : state -> OpamTypes.shell -> OpamTypes.filename -> unit
Display the global and user configuration for OPAM.
val update_setup : state -> OpamTypes.user_config option -> OpamTypes.global_config option -> unit
Update the user configuration.
val contents_of_variable : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents option
Compute the value of a variable
val contents_of_variable_exn : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents
Compute the value of a variable. Raise Not_found if the variable is not valid.
val substitute_string : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> string -> string
Substitute a string
val substitute_file : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> OpamTypes.basename -> unit
Substitute file
val global_variable_names : (string * string) list
Lists of available variables and their description
val package_variable_names : (string * string) list
val get_env_var : OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents option
Check for user-defined variable overwrite.
val eval_filter : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> OpamTypes.filter option -> bool
Evaluate a filter
val filter_commands : state -> ?opam:OpamFile.OPAM.t -> OpamTypes.variable_map -> OpamTypes.command list -> string list list
Filter a list of commands by:
  • evaluating the substitution strings; and
  • removing the commands with a filter evaluating to "false"
val opam : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamFile.OPAM.t
Return the OPAM file for the given package
val opam_opt : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamFile.OPAM.t option
Return the OPAM file for the given package
val url : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamFile.URL.t option
Return the URL file for the given package
val descr : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamFile.Descr.t
Return the Descr file for the given package
val descr_opt : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamFile.Descr.t option
Return the Descr file for the given package
val files : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.dirname option
Return the files/ directory overlay for the given package
val compiler_comp : state -> OpamTypes.compiler -> OpamFile.Comp.t
Return the compiler description
val string_of_repositories : OpamFile.Repo_config.t OpamTypes.repository_name_map -> string
Pretty print a map of repositories
val package_index : state -> (OpamTypes.repository_name * string option) OpamTypes.package_map
Builds a map which says in which repository the latest metadata for a given package are. The function respect the bustom priorities given by the order of priorities.
val compiler_index : state -> (OpamTypes.repository_name * string option) OpamTypes.compiler_map
Build a map which says in which repository the latest metadata for a given compiler is.
val sorted_repositories : state -> OpamTypes.repository list
Sort repositories by priority.
val mem_repository : state -> OpamTypes.repository_name -> bool
Check whether a repository exists.
val find_repository : state -> OpamTypes.repository_name -> OpamTypes.repository
Find a given repostiory. Exit the program if no such repository name exists.
val find_repository_opt : state -> OpamTypes.repository_name -> OpamTypes.repository option
Find a given repostiory.
val redirect : state -> OpamTypes.repository -> (OpamTypes.repository * OpamTypes.filter option) option
Check the redirections.
val install_global_config : OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.switch -> unit
(Re-)install the configuration for a given root and switch
val install_compiler : state -> quiet:bool -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.compiler -> unit
Install the given compiler
val update_switch_config : state -> OpamTypes.switch -> unit
Write the right compiler switch in ~/.opam/config
val get_compiler_packages : state -> OpamTypes.compiler -> OpamTypes.atom list
Get the packages associated with the given compiler
val is_compiler_installed : state -> OpamTypes.compiler -> bool
Is a compiler installed ?
val is_switch_installed : state -> OpamTypes.switch -> bool
Is a switch installed ?
val compiler_state : state -> OpamTypes.checksums OpamTypes.compiler_map
Global compiler state
val compiler_repository_state : state -> OpamTypes.checksums OpamTypes.compiler_map
Repository state
val repository_and_prefix_of_compiler : state -> OpamTypes.compiler -> (OpamTypes.repository * string option) option
Return the active repository for a given compiler
val is_name_installed : state -> OpamTypes.name -> bool
Check whether a package name is installed
val is_package_installed : state -> OpamTypes.package -> bool
Return whether a package is installed
val find_installed_package_by_name : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamTypes.package
Return the installed package with the right name
val find_packages_by_name : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamTypes.package_set option
Return all the packages with the given name
val installed_map : state -> OpamTypes.version OpamTypes.name_map
Return a map from package names to package installed version
val base_packages : OpamTypes.name list
Return the base packages
val all_installed : state -> OpamTypes.package_set
Return all the collection of installed packages, for all the available packages
val installed_versions : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamTypes.switch list OpamTypes.package_map
Return a map containing the switch where a given package is installed.
val unknown_package : state -> OpamTypes.atom -> string
Returns a message about an atom that doesn't exist
val unavailable_reason : state -> OpamTypes.atom -> string
Returns an explanation why a package is not currently available
val download_archive : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.filename option
Download the OPAM-package archive ($name.$version+opam.tar.gz)
val download_upstream : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.generic_file option
Download the upstream archive, add the eventual additional files and return the directory..
val package_state : state -> OpamTypes.checksums OpamTypes.package_map
Global package state.
val package_partial_state : state -> OpamTypes.package -> archive:bool -> (bool * OpamTypes.checksums)
Global & partial package state.
val package_repository_state : state -> OpamTypes.checksums OpamTypes.package_map
Repository state
val package_repository_partial_state : state -> OpamTypes.package -> archive:bool -> (bool * OpamTypes.checksums)
Repository & partial package state.
val repository_of_package : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.repository option
Get the active repository for a given package
val repository_and_prefix_of_package : state -> OpamTypes.package -> (OpamTypes.repository * string option) option
Get the active repository for a given package
val add_to_reinstall : state -> all:bool -> OpamTypes.package_set -> unit
Add the given packages to the set of package to reinstall. If all is set, this is done for ALL the switches (useful when a package change upstream for instance). If not, only the reinstall state of the current switch is changed.
val copy_files : state -> OpamTypes.package -> OpamTypes.dirname -> unit
Return the files for a given package
val install_metadata : state -> OpamTypes.package -> unit
Copy the repository metadata into the global state.
val remove_metadata : state -> OpamTypes.package_set -> unit
Remove some metadata from the global state if they are not used anymore.
val dev_packages : state -> OpamTypes.package_set
Get all the development packages. This include the one locally pinned (for the current switch) and the global dev packages.
val update_dev_packages : state -> OpamTypes.package_set -> OpamTypes.package_set
update_dev_packages t checks for upstream changes for packages first in the switch cache and then in the global cache. Return the packages whose contents have changed upstream. Side-effect: update the reinstall files.
val update_dev_package : state -> OpamTypes.package -> bool
Updates a dev or pinned package from its upstream; returns true if changed, false otherwise
val is_dev_package : state -> OpamTypes.package -> bool
Check whether a package is a development package
val has_empty_opam : state -> OpamTypes.package -> bool
May be used to check if a given package metadata has just been initialised. Also returns true if there is no opam overlay.
val dot_config : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamFile.Dot_config.t
Return the .config file for the given package
val check : OpamTypes.lock -> unit
Apply a function while taking the right locks
val is_pinned : state -> OpamTypes.name -> bool
Is the package name pinned ?
val is_locally_pinned : state -> OpamTypes.name -> bool
Is the package locally pinned ? (ie. not a version pinning)
val pinned : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamTypes.package
Returns the versionned pinned package.
Raises Not_found if not pinned
val pinned_opt : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamTypes.package option
Returns the versionned pinned package, or None if not pinned
val pinned_packages : state -> OpamTypes.package_set
The set of pinned packages in the state (warning: costly)
val url_of_locally_pinned_package : state -> OpamTypes.name -> OpamFile.URL.t
Return the URL file associated with a locally pinned package.
val add_pinned_overlay : ?template:bool -> ?version:OpamTypes.version -> state -> OpamTypes.name -> unit
Add overlay files for a pinned package. If no definition is found use a minimal OPAM file unless template is set to true.
val remove_overlay : state -> OpamTypes.name -> unit
Remove all overlay files
val create_system_compiler_description : OpamTypes.dirname -> OpamTypes.compiler_version option -> unit
Create $opam/compilers/system.com. Take the global root and the new system compiler version as arguments.
val jobs : state -> int


val dl_jobs : state -> int

Download Jobs

val check_base_packages : state -> unit
Consistency checks: do the base package for the current compiler are installed ?
val switch_reinstall_hook : OpamTypes.switch -> unit Pervasives.ref
Switch reinstall hook.
val fix_descriptions_hook : ?save_cache:bool -> state -> verbose:bool -> unit Pervasives.ref
Update hook