Emacs reference
If you did not use opam user setup
but still have an opam-based version of
Merlin you can add the following configuration to your .emacs
file to enable
(let ((opam-share (ignore-errors (car (process-lines "opam" "var" "share")))))
(when (and opam-share (file-directory-p opam-share))
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "emacs/site-lisp" opam-share))
(autoload 'merlin-mode "merlin" nil t nil)
(add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)
(add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'merlin-mode t)))
Completion at point
M-x completion-at-point
Provides completion hints using the native completion engine of Emacs. For advanced form of completion see Advanced features.
Typecheck the current file
Merlin automatically typechecks the current file upon save (C-x C-s).
To do so without triggering a file save, use:
M-x merlin-error-check
C-c C-v
Typechecks the current buffer.
If there are several errors, use:
M-x merlin-error-next
C-c C-x
Jumps to the next error in the current buffer.
Type of an expression
M-x merlin-type-enclosing
C-c C-t (C-↑ C-↓)
Gets the type of ident under the cursor. It will highlight the ident and display its type. You can then call C-↑ (and C-↓) to climb the typed-tree and display the type of bigger expressions surrounding the cursor.
M-x merlin-type-expr
C-u C-c C-t
Asks for an expression, then displays its type in the minibuffer.
Locate an identifier
M-x merlin-locate
C-c C-l
Locates the identifier under the cursor. -
M-x merlin-locate-ident
Asks for an identifier and locates it. -
You can choose if you want locate to jump the the definition or the declaration of identifiers by setting the
variable withml
or `mli
Search for an identifier’s occurrences
M-x merlin-occurrences
Returns all occurrences of the identifier under the cursor in the current buffer. -
M-x merlin-project-occurrences
Returns all occurrences of the identifier under the cursor in the entire
project. This requires indexing the project. This can be done by running dune
build @ocaml-index --watch
when developing. Requires OCaml 5.2 and Dune 3.16.0.
See the
Display identifier documentation
M-x merlin-document
C-c C-d
Displays the OCaml documentation for the identifier under the cursor.
Source browsing
M-x merlin-phrase-next
C-c C-n andM-x merlin-phrase-prev
C-c C-p
Navigates between phrases (toplevel definitions) of your buffer. -
M-x merlin-switch-to-ml
andM-x merlin-switch-to-mli
Prompts you for a (toplevel) module name, and will then open the associated ml(i) file. -
M-x merlin-jump fun / let / module / match
Jumps to the begining of the closestfun
Case analysis (destruct)
Destruct is a powerful feature of Merlin that allows one to generate and manipulate pattern matching expressions.
The main command, M-x merlin-destruct
(C-c M-d or C-c |),
behaves differently depending on the cursor’s context.
When called on:
- an expression: it replaces it by a pattern matching over it’s constructors
- a wildcard pattern: it will refine it if possible
- a pattern of a non-exhaustive matching: it will make the pattern matching exhaustive by adding missing cases
Expression construction
Merlin provides commands to browse and fill typed holes (_
). Such holes
sometimes appear in the result of other commands like destruct
and can also be
inserted manually in the source.
M-x merlin-construct
Provides valid type-based constructions when the cursor is on a typed hole (_
) that could fill this hole. Can be used in alternation withdestruct
. -
M-x merlin-next-hole
andM-x merlin-previous-hole
Navigates to the next or previous typed hole (_
) in the buffer.
M-x merlin-error-prev
andM-x merlin-error-next
Navigates between errors in the current buffer. -
M-x merlin-toggle-view-errors
Toggles the viewing of errors in the buffer.
Advanced features
By default, if auto-complete is installed, merlin will only register a source
named merlin-ac-source
and do nothing about it. If you add to your config:
(setq merlin-ac-setup 'easy)
it will enable auto-complete in merlin buffers and add the merlin source to the
default sources. You can now use auto-complete as you usually do, or run M-x auto-complete
If you have not configured auto-complete, see its documentation.
Company mode
To use the company mode plugins, you just have to add:
; Make company aware of merlin
(with-eval-after-load 'company
(add-to-list 'company-backends 'merlin-company-backend))
; Enable company on merlin managed buffers
(add-hook 'merlin-mode-hook 'company-mode)
; Or enable it globally:
; (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
See the documentation of company mode for more information.
M-x merlin-iedit-occurrences
Edit occurrences of identifier under cursor using iedit
imenu and xref
Merlin also provides integration with the imenu
and xref