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Module Zed_utf8

type t = string
Type of UTF-8 encoded strings.
exception Invalid of string * string
Invalid(error, text) Exception raised when an invalid UTF-8 encoded string is encountered. text is the faulty text and error is a description of the first error in text.
exception Out_of_bounds
Exception raised when trying to access a character which is outside the bounds of a string.
type check_result =
| Correct of int (* The string is correctly UTF-8 encoded, and the paramter is the length of the string. *)
| Message of string (* The string is invalid and the parameter is an error message. *)
Result of cheking a string for correct UTF-8.
val check : t -> check_result
check str checks that str is a valid UTF-8 encoded string.
val validate : t -> int
Same as check but raises an exception in case the argument is not a valid text, otherwise returns the length of the string.
val next_error : t -> int -> (int * int * string)
next_error str ofs returns (ofs', count, msg) where ofs' is the offset of the start of the first invalid sequence after ofs (inclusive) in str, count is the number of unicode character between ofs and ofs' (exclusive) and msg is an error message. If there is no error until the end of string then ofs is String.length str and msg is the empty string.
val singleton : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t
singleton ch creates a string of length 1 containing only the given character.
val make : int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t
make n ch creates a string of length n filled with ch.
val init : int -> int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t
init n f returns the contenation of singleton (f 0), singleton (f 1), ..., singleton (f (n - 1)).
val rev_init : int -> int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t
rev_init n f returns the contenation of singleton (f (n - 1)), ..., singleton (f 1), singleton (f 0).
val length : t -> int
Returns the length of the given string.
val compare : t -> t -> int
Compares two strings (in code point order).
val get : t -> int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t
get str idx returns the character at index idx in str.
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
sub str ofs len Returns the sub-string of str starting at ofs and of length len.
val break : t -> int -> (t * t)
break str pos returns the sub-strings before and after pos in str. It is more efficient than creating two sub-strings with sub.
val before : t -> int -> t
before str pos returns the sub-string before pos in str
val after : t -> int -> t
after str pos returns the sub-string after pos in str
val insert : t -> int -> t -> t
insert str pos sub inserts sub in str at position pos.
val remove : t -> int -> int -> t
remove str pos len removes the len characters at position pos in str
val replace : t -> int -> int -> t -> t
replace str pos len repl replaces the len characters at position pos in str by repl.
val rev : t -> t
rev str reverses all characters of str.
val concat : t -> t list -> t
concat sep l returns the concatenation of all strings of l separated by sep.
val rev_concat : t -> t list -> t
concat sep l returns the concatenation of all strings of l in reverse order separated by sep.
val explode : t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t list
explode str returns the list of all characters of str.
val rev_explode : t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t list
rev_explode str returns the list of all characters of str in reverse order.
val implode : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t list -> t
implode l returns the concatenation of all characters of l.
val rev_implode : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t list -> t
rev_implode l is the same as implode (List.rev l) but more efficient.
val iter : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> unit -> t -> unit
iter f str applies f an all characters of str starting from the left.
val rev_iter : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> unit -> t -> unit
rev_iter f str applies f an all characters of str starting from the right.
val fold : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a -> t -> 'a -> 'a
fold f str acc applies f on all characters of str starting from the left, accumulating a value.
val rev_fold : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> 'a -> 'a -> t -> 'a -> 'a
rev_fold f str acc applies f on all characters of str starting from the right, accumulating a value.
val map : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t -> t
map f str maps all characters of str with f.
val rev_map : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t -> t
rev_map f str maps all characters of str with f in reverse order.
val map_concat : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t -> t -> t
map f str maps all characters of str with f and concatenate the result.
val rev_map_concat : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t -> t -> t
rev_map f str maps all characters of str with f in reverse order and concatenate the result.
val filter : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> t
filter f str filters characters of str with f.
val rev_filter : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> t
rev_filter f str filters characters of str with f in reverse order.
val filter_map : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t option -> t -> t
filter_map f str filters and maps characters of str with f.
val rev_filter_map : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t option -> t -> t
rev_filter_map f str filters and maps characters of str with f in reverse order.
val filter_map_concat : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t option -> t -> t
filter_map f str filters and maps characters of str with f and concatenate the result.
val rev_filter_map_concat : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t option -> t -> t
rev_filter_map f str filters and maps characters of str with f in reverse order and concatenate the result.
val for_all : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> bool
for_all f text returns whether all characters of text verify the predicate f.
val exists : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> bool
exists f text returns whether at least one character of text verify f.
val count : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> int
count f text returhs the number of characters of text verifying f.
val contains : t -> t -> bool
contains text sub returns whether sub appears in text
val starts_with : t -> t -> bool
starts_with text prefix returns true iff s starts with prefix.
val ends_with : t -> t -> bool
ends_with text suffix returns true iff s ends with suffix.
val strip : ?predicate:CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> t
strip ?predicate text returns text without its firsts and lasts characters that match predicate. predicate default to testing whether the given character has the `White_Space unicode property. For example:
        strip "\n  foo\n  " = "foo"
val lstrip : ?predicate:CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> t
lstrip ?predicate text is the same as strip but it only removes characters at the left of text.
val rstrip : ?predicate:CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> bool -> t -> t
lstrip ?predicate text is the same as strip but it only removes characters at the right of text.
val lchop : t -> t
lchop t returns t without is first character. Returns "" if t = ""
val rchop : t -> t
rchop t returns t without is last character. Returns "" if t = "".
val add : Buffer.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> unit
add buf ch is the same as Buffer.add_string buf (singleton ch) but is more efficient.
val escaped_char : CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> t
escaped_char ch returns a string containg ch or an escaped version of ch if:
  • ch is a control character (code < 32)
  • ch is the character with code 127
  • ch is a non-ascii, non-alphabetic character
It uses the syntax \xXX, \uXXXX, \UXXXXXX or a specific escape sequence \n, \r, ....
val add_escaped_char : Buffer.t -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t -> unit
add_escaped_char buf ch is the same as Buffer.add_string buf (escaped_char ch) but a bit more efficient.
val escaped : t -> t
escaped text escape all characters of text as with escape_char.
val add_escaped : Buffer.t -> t -> unit
add_escaped_char buf text is the same as Buffer.add_string buf (escaped text) but a bit more efficient.
val escaped_string : CamomileLibraryDyn.Camomile.CharEncoding.t -> string -> t
escaped_string enc str escape the string str which is encoded with encoding enc. If decoding str with enc fails, it escape all non-printable bytes of str with the syntax \yAB.
val add_escaped_string : Buffer.t -> CamomileLibraryDyn.Camomile.CharEncoding.t -> string -> unit
add_escaped_char buf enc text is the same as Buffer.add_string buf (escaped_string enc text) but a bit more efficient.
val next : t -> int -> int
next str ofs returns the offset of the next character in str.
val prev : t -> int -> int
prev str ofs returns the offset of the previous character in str.
val extract : t -> int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t
extract str ofs returns the code-point at offset ofs in str.
val extract_next : t -> int -> (CamomileLibrary.UChar.t * int)
extract_next str ofs returns the code-point at offset ofs in str and the offset the next character.
val extract_prev : t -> int -> (CamomileLibrary.UChar.t * int)
extract_prev str ofs returns the code-point at the previous offset in str and this offset.
val unsafe_next : t -> int -> int
unsafe_next str ofs returns the offset of the next character in str.
val unsafe_prev : t -> int -> int
unsafe_prev str ofs returns the offset of the previous character in str.
val unsafe_extract : t -> int -> CamomileLibrary.UChar.t
unsafe_extract str ofs returns the code-point at offset ofs in str.
val unsafe_extract_next : t -> int -> (CamomileLibrary.UChar.t * int)
unsafe_extract_next str ofs returns the code-point at offset ofs in str and the offset the next character.
val unsafe_extract_prev : t -> int -> (CamomileLibrary.UChar.t * int)
unsafe_extract_prev str ofs returns the code-point at the previous offset in str and this offset.