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Module Uri_services

val service_of_tcp_port : int -> string list
Convert a TCP port number into a list of IANA well-known service names
val service_of_udp_port : int -> string list
Convert a UDP port number into a list of IANA well-known service names
val tcp_port_of_service : string -> int list
Convert a IANA well-known service name into a list of valid TCP port numbers
val udp_port_of_service : string -> int list
Convert a IANA well-known service name into a list of valid UDP port numbers
val tcp_port_of_uri : ?default:string -> Uri.t -> int option
Extract a TCP port from a URI, using a default service if the URI does not contain a scheme
val udp_port_of_uri : ?default:string -> Uri.t -> int option
Extract a UDP port from a URI, using a default service if the URI does not contain a scheme
val known_tcp_services : string list
List of known TCP services. These keys are guaranteed to match in the rest of the lookup functions.
val known_udp_services : string list
List of known UDP services. These keys are guaranteed to match in the rest of the lookup functions.
val known_services : (string * string list) list
Association list of protocol * service list. Usually populated with at least "tcp" and "udp" keys for those respective protocols.