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Module OpamSwitchCommand

val install_cont : quiet:bool -> warning:bool -> update_config:bool -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.compiler -> (OpamTypes.switch * unit -> unit)
Install a new switch. Returns a continuation that must be run to install the packages, but only needs a switch lock.
val install : quiet:bool -> warning:bool -> update_config:bool -> OpamTypes.switch -> OpamTypes.compiler -> unit
Like install_cont but runs the continuation already
val import : OpamTypes.filename option -> unit
Import a file which contains the packages to install.
val export : OpamTypes.filename option -> unit
Export a file which contains the installed packages.
val remove : OpamTypes.switch -> unit
Remove the given compiler switch.
val switch_cont : quiet:bool -> warning:bool -> OpamTypes.switch -> (OpamTypes.switch * unit -> unit)
Switch to the given compiler switch. Returns a continuation like install
val switch : quiet:bool -> warning:bool -> OpamTypes.switch -> unit
Like switch_cont but runs the continuation already.
val reinstall : OpamTypes.switch -> unit
Reinstall the given compiler switch.
val show : unit -> unit
Display the current compiler switch.
val list : print_short:bool -> installed:bool -> all:bool -> unit
List all the available compiler switches.