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Module OpamFormula

type relop = TODO: a
binary operations (compatible with the Dose type for Cudf operators !)
val string_of_relop : relop -> string
Pretty-printing of relops
val relop_of_string : string -> relop
Parsing relops
type version_constraint = (relop * OpamPackage.Version.t)
Version constraints for OPAM
type atom = (OpamPackage.Name.t * version_constraint option)
Formula atoms for OPAM
val string_of_atom : atom -> string
Pretty-printing of atoms
val short_string_of_atom : atom -> string
The compact atom format used in requests, "pkgOPvers", with '.' allowed instead of '='
val string_of_atoms : atom list -> string
Prints atoms as a conjunction ("&") using the short format
val check : atom -> OpamPackage.t -> bool
Checks if a package verifies an atom
type 'a conjunction = 'a list
AND formulas
val string_of_conjunction : 'a -> string -> 'a conjunction -> string
Pretty print AND formulas
type 'a disjunction = 'a list
OR formulas
val string_of_disjunction : 'a -> string -> 'a disjunction -> string
Pretty print OR formulas
type 'a cnf = 'a disjunction conjunction
CNF formulas (Conjunctive Normal Form)
type 'a dnf = 'a conjunction disjunction
DNF formulas (Disjunctive Normal Form)
val string_of_cnf : 'a -> string -> 'a cnf -> string
Pretty print CNF formulas
val string_of_dnf : 'a -> string -> 'a dnf -> string
Pretty print DNF formulas
type 'a formula =
| Empty
| Atom of 'a
| Block of 'a formula
| And of 'a formula * 'a formula
| Or of 'a formula * 'a formula
General formulas
val eval : 'a -> bool -> 'a formula -> bool
Eval a formula
val check_relop : relop -> int -> bool
Check a relational operator against an integer from compare
val eval_relop : relop -> OpamPackage.Version.t -> OpamPackage.Version.t -> bool
Evaluate a relational operator between versions
val neg_relop : relop -> relop
val string_of_formula : 'a -> string -> 'a formula -> string
Pretty print a formula
val ands : 'a formula list -> 'a formula
Convert a list of formulas to an AND-formula (Empty formulas are ignored)
val ands_to_list : 'a formula -> 'a formula list
Converts back an AND-formula to a list (flattens top-level ands)
val ors : 'a formula list -> 'a formula
Convert a list of formulas to an OR-formula (Empty formulas are ignored)
val ors_to_list : 'a formula -> 'a formula list
Converts back an OR-formula to a list (flattens top-level ors)
val map : 'a -> 'b formula -> 'a formula -> 'b formula
Map on atoms. Atoms for which the given function returns Empty will be simply removed
val map_formula : 'a formula -> 'a formula -> 'a formula -> 'a formula
Maps top-down on a formula
val neg : 'a -> 'a -> 'a formula -> 'a formula
Negates a formula (given the function to negate atoms)
val iter : 'a -> unit -> 'a formula -> unit
Iter function
val fold_left : 'a -> 'b -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b formula -> 'a
Fold function
type version_formula = version_constraint formula
Expressions composed entirely of version constraints
type t = (OpamPackage.Name.t * version_formula) formula
An atom is: name * (relop * version) formula. Examples of valid formulae:
  • "foo" {> "1" & (<"3" | ="5")}
  • "foo" {= "1" | > "4"} | ("bar" "bouh")
val cnf_of_formula : 'a formula -> 'a formula
Convert a formula to CNF
val dnf_of_formula : 'a formula -> 'a formula
Convert a formula to DNF
val to_atom_formula : t -> atom formula
Transform a formula where versions can be expressed using formulas to a flat atom formula
val of_atom_formula : atom formula -> t
Convert an atom-formula to a t-formula
val atoms : t -> atom list
Return all the atoms
val to_string : t -> string
Pretty print the formula
val to_conjunction : t -> atom conjunction
Return a conjunction. If the initial formula is not a conjunction, then fail.
val of_conjunction : atom conjunction -> t
Return a formula from a conjunction of atoms
val to_disjunction : t -> atom disjunction
Return a disjunction. It the initial formula is not a disjunction, then fail.
val of_disjunction : atom disjunction -> t
Return a formula from a disjunction of atoms
val to_cnf : t -> atom cnf
Return an equivalent CNF formula
val to_dnf : t -> atom dnf
Return an equivalent DNF formula
type 'a ext_package_formula = (OpamPackage.Name.t * ('a * version_formula)) formula
Formula over versionned packages with additional flags (used to handle eg. build-deps)
val formula_of_extended : filter:'a -> bool -> 'a ext_package_formula -> t
Turns an extended package formula to a normal formula, by filtering out the packages on the flags of which filter returns false.