• en

Module OpamFilter

val to_string : OpamTypes.filter -> string
type env = OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents option
Type of filter environment.
val contents_of_variable : env -> OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents option
Return the contents of a variable. Return None if the variable is not defined in the given environment.
val contents_of_variable_exn : env -> OpamTypes.full_variable -> OpamTypes.variable_contents
Return the contents of a variable. Raises Not_found if the variable is not defined in the given environment.
val substitute_string : env -> string -> string
Substitute a string.
val substitute_file : env -> OpamTypes.basename -> unit
Substitute a file.
val eval : env -> OpamTypes.filter -> bool
Evaluate a filter. May raise Not_found if the filter contains undefined variables
val eval_opt : env -> OpamTypes.filter option -> bool
Evaluate an optional filter.
val commands : env -> OpamTypes.command list -> string list list
Filter a list of commands by:
  • evaluating the substitution strings; and
  • removing the commands with a filter evaluating to "false"