Sourcetype module_type = [
| `FModuleType of Odoc_model.Names.ModuleTypeName.t * Component.ModuleType.t
type class_ = [
| `FClass of Odoc_model.Names.ClassName.t * Component.Class.t
| `FClassType of Odoc_model.Names.ClassTypeName.t * Component.ClassType.t
type substitution = [
| `FModule_subst of Component.ModuleSubstitution.t
| `FType_subst of Component.TypeDecl.t
| `FModuleType_subst of Component.ModuleTypeSubstitution.t
type any_in_type_in_sig = [
| `In_type of Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t * Component.TypeDecl.t * any_in_type
type instance_variable = [
| `FInstance_variable of
Odoc_model.Names.InstanceVariableName.t * Component.InstanceVariable.t
Lookup by name, unambiguous
val instance_variable_in_class_signature :
Component.ClassSignature.t ->
string ->
instance_variable option
Maybe ambiguous
Disambiguated lookups, returns the last match.
Lookup removed items
type removed_type = [
| `FType_removed of
* Component.TypeExpr.t
* Component.TypeDecl.Equation.t
type careful_module_type = [
| module_type
| `FModuleType_removed of Component.ModuleType.expr
val careful_module_type_in_sig :
Component.Signature.t ->
string ->
careful_module_type option