Module Component.SignatureSource

type item =
  1. | Module of Ident.module_ * recursive * Module.t Delayed.t
  2. | ModuleSubstitution of Ident.module_ * ModuleSubstitution.t
  3. | ModuleType of Ident.module_type * ModuleType.t Delayed.t
  4. | ModuleTypeSubstitution of Ident.module_type * ModuleTypeSubstitution.t
  5. | Type of Ident.type_ * recursive * TypeDecl.t Delayed.t
  6. | TypeSubstitution of Ident.type_ * TypeDecl.t
  7. | Exception of Ident.exception_ * Exception.t
  8. | TypExt of Extension.t
  9. | Value of Ident.value * Value.t Delayed.t
  10. | Class of Ident.class_ * recursive * Class.t
  11. | ClassType of Ident.class_type * recursive * ClassType.t
  12. | Include of Include.t
  13. | Open of Open.t
  14. | Comment of CComment.docs_or_stop
type removed_item =
  1. | RModule of Ident.module_ * Cpath.Resolved.module_
  2. | RType of Ident.type_ * TypeExpr.t * TypeDecl.Equation.t
  3. | RModuleType of Ident.module_type * ModuleType.expr
type t = {
  1. items : item list;
  2. compiled : bool;
  3. removed : removed_item list;
  4. doc :;