Module Component.SubstitutionSource

type subst_module = [
  1. | `Prefixed of Cpath.module_ * Cpath.Resolved.module_
  2. | `Substituted
  3. | `Renamed of Ident.path_module
type subst_module_type = [
  1. | `Prefixed of Cpath.module_type * Cpath.Resolved.module_type
  2. | `Renamed of Ident.module_type
type subst_type = [
  1. | `Prefixed of Cpath.type_ * Cpath.Resolved.type_
  2. | `Renamed of Ident.path_type
type subst_class_type = [
  1. | `Prefixed of Cpath.class_type * Cpath.Resolved.class_type
  2. | `Renamed of Ident.path_class_type
type t = {
  1. module_ : subst_module PathModuleMap.t;
  2. module_type : subst_module_type ModuleTypeMap.t;
  3. type_ : subst_type PathTypeMap.t;
  4. class_type : subst_class_type PathClassTypeMap.t;
  5. type_replacement : (TypeExpr.t * TypeDecl.Equation.t) PathTypeMap.t;
  6. module_type_replacement : ModuleType.expr ModuleTypeMap.t;
  7. path_invalidating_modules : Ident.path_module list;
  8. module_type_of_invalidating_modules : Ident.path_module list;
  9. unresolve_opaque_paths : bool;