Module Odoc_xref2.CpathSource

Sourcemodule Resolved : sig ... end
Sourcemodule Cpath : sig ... end
include module type of struct include Cpath end
type module_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.module_
  2. | `Substituted of module_
  3. | `Local of Ident.path_module * bool
  4. | `Identifier of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.Module.t * bool
  5. | `Root of string
  6. | `Forward of string
  7. | `Dot of module_ * string
  8. | `Module of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ModuleName.t
  9. | `Apply of module_ * module_
and module_type = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.module_type
  2. | `Substituted of module_type
  3. | `Local of Ident.module_type * bool
  4. | `Identifier of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.ModuleType.t * bool
  5. | `Dot of module_ * string
  6. | `ModuleType of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ModuleTypeName.t
and type_ = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.type_
  2. | `Substituted of type_
  3. | `Local of Ident.path_type * bool
  4. | `Identifier of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.Type.t * bool
  5. | `Dot of module_ * string
  6. | `Type of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t
  7. | `Class of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ClassName.t
  8. | `ClassType of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ClassTypeName.t
and value = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.value
  2. | `Dot of module_ * string
  3. | `Value of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ValueName.t
and datatype = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.datatype
  2. | `Substituted of datatype
  3. | `Local of Ident.path_datatype * bool
  4. | `Identifier of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.DataType.t * bool
  5. | `Dot of module_ * string
  6. | `Type of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.TypeName.t
and constructor = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.constructor
  2. | `Dot of datatype * string
  3. | `Constructor of Resolved.datatype * Odoc_model.Names.ConstructorName.t
and class_type = [
  1. | `Resolved of Resolved.class_type
  2. | `Substituted of class_type
  3. | `Local of Ident.path_class_type * bool
  4. | `Identifier of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Path.ClassType.t * bool
  5. | `Dot of module_ * string
  6. | `Class of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ClassName.t
  7. | `ClassType of Resolved.parent * Odoc_model.Names.ClassTypeName.t
Sourceval is_resolved_module_substituted : Resolved.module_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_parent_substituted : Resolved.parent -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_module_type_substituted : Resolved.module_type -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_type_substituted : Resolved.type_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_class_type_substituted : Resolved.class_type -> bool
Sourceval is_module_substituted : module_ -> bool
Sourceval is_module_type_substituted : module_type -> bool
Sourceval is_type_substituted : type_ -> bool
Sourceval is_class_type_substituted : class_type -> bool
Sourceval is_module_forward : module_ -> bool
Sourceval is_module_hidden : module_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_module_hidden : weak_canonical_test:bool -> Resolved.module_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_parent_hidden : weak_canonical_test:bool -> Resolved.parent -> bool
Sourceval is_module_type_hidden : module_type -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_module_type_hidden : Resolved.module_type -> bool
Sourceval is_type_hidden : type_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_type_hidden : Resolved.type_ -> bool
Sourceval is_resolved_class_type_hidden : Resolved.class_type -> bool
Sourceval is_class_type_hidden : class_type -> bool
Sourceval resolved_module_of_resolved_module_reference : Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.Resolved.Module.t -> Resolved.module_
Sourceval resolved_module_of_resolved_signature_reference : Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.Resolved.Signature.t -> Resolved.module_
Sourceval module_of_module_reference : Odoc_model.Paths.Reference.Module.t -> module_
Sourceval unresolve_resolved_module_path : Resolved.module_ -> module_
Sourceval unresolve_module_path : module_ -> module_
Sourceval unresolve_resolved_module_type_path : Resolved.module_type -> module_type
Sourceval unresolve_resolved_parent_path : Resolved.parent -> module_
Sourceval unresolve_resolved_type_path : Resolved.type_ -> type_
Sourceval unresolve_resolved_class_type_path : Resolved.class_type -> class_type
Sourceval unresolve_module_type_path : module_type -> module_type
Sourceval unresolve_type_path : type_ -> type_
Sourceval unresolve_class_type_path : class_type -> class_type