Module Odoc_model.SemanticsSource

Sourcetype _ handle_internal_tags =
  1. | Expect_status : [ `Default | `Inline | `Open | `Closed ] handle_internal_tags
  2. | Expect_canonical : [ `Dot of Paths.Path.Module.t * string ] option handle_internal_tags
  3. | Expect_none : unit handle_internal_tags

How to handle internal tags.

Sourcetype sections_allowed = [
  1. | `All
  2. | `No_titles
  3. | `None
Sourcetype alerts = [ `Tag of [ `Alert of string * string option ] ] Location_.with_location list
Sourceval ast_to_comment : internal_tags:'tags handle_internal_tags -> sections_allowed:sections_allowed -> tags_allowed:bool -> parent_of_sections:Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t -> Odoc_parser.Ast.t -> alerts -> ( * 'tags) Error.with_warnings
Sourceval parse_comment : internal_tags:'tags handle_internal_tags -> sections_allowed:sections_allowed -> tags_allowed:bool -> containing_definition:Paths.Identifier.LabelParent.t -> location:Lexing.position -> text:string -> ( * 'tags) Error.with_warnings