SourceReferences present in documentation comments ({!Foo.Bar}
type t = [
| `Resolved of Resolved.t
| `Root of
* [ `TModule
| `TModuleType
| `TType
| `TConstructor
| `TField
| `TExtension
| `TExtensionDecl
| `TException
| `TValue
| `TClass
| `TClassType
| `TMethod
| `TInstanceVariable
| `TLabel
| `TPage
| `TChildPage
| `TChildModule
| `TUnknown ]
| `Dot of LabelParent.t * string
| `Module of Signature.t * Names.ModuleName.t
| `ModuleType of Signature.t * Names.ModuleTypeName.t
| `Type of Signature.t * Names.TypeName.t
| `Constructor of FragmentTypeParent.t * Names.ConstructorName.t
| `Field of FragmentTypeParent.t * Names.FieldName.t
| `Extension of Signature.t * Names.ExtensionName.t
| `ExtensionDecl of Signature.t * Names.ExtensionName.t
| `Exception of Signature.t * Names.ExceptionName.t
| `Value of Signature.t * Names.ValueName.t
| `Class of Signature.t * Names.ClassName.t
| `ClassType of Signature.t * Names.ClassTypeName.t
| `Method of ClassSignature.t * Names.MethodName.t
| `InstanceVariable of ClassSignature.t * Names.InstanceVariableName.t
| `Label of LabelParent.t * Names.LabelName.t
type tag_any = [
| `TModule
| `TModuleType
| `TType
| `TConstructor
| `TField
| `TExtension
| `TExtensionDecl
| `TException
| `TValue
| `TClass
| `TClassType
| `TMethod
| `TInstanceVariable
| `TLabel
| `TPage
| `TChildPage
| `TChildModule
| `TUnknown