
Quick reference for the odoc language!

odoc syntax

Render as


A first paragraph

A second paragraph

A first paragraph

A second paragraph


{1 Title}
{2 Subtitle}
{3 Subsubtitle}

{3:my_id Referenceable title}

See {!my_id}.

Standalone pages must start with a 0 heading:

{0 Page big title}




Referenceable title

See Referenceable title

Bold, italic and emphasis

{b bold} text, {i italic} text, {e emphasized} text

bold text, italic text, emphasized text

Subscripts and superscript

H{_ 2}O and 1{^ st}

H2O and 1st


Here is a link: {:}.

You can also click {{:}here}.

Here is a link:

You can also click here.


See {!Odoc_odoc.Compile.compile}.

See {{!Odoc_odoc.Compile.compile}this function}.

See {{!odoc_for_authors.links_and_references}this section} for the syntax of references.

See Odoc_odoc.Compile.compile.

See this function.

See this section for the syntax of references.


- First item
- Second item

+ First ordered item
+ Second numbered item

  {- First item}
  {- Second item}
  {li can also be used}}

  {- First numbered item}
  {- Second numbered item}
  {li can also be used}}
  • First item
  • Second item
  1. First ordered item
  2. Second numbered item
  • First item
  • Second item
  • can also be used
  1. First numbered item
  2. Second numbered item
  3. can also be used

Code Blocks

Inline [code].

  let _ = "Block code"

  Code block with {[inner code block syntax]}

  [i+1 for i in xrange(2)]

Inline code.

let _ = "Block code"
Code block with {[inner code block syntax]}
[i+1 for i in xrange(2)]


{v verbatim text v}
verbatim text


For inline math: {m \sqrt 2}.

For display math:

{math \sqrt 2}

For inline math: \sqrt 2.

For display math:

\sqrt 2


Light syntax:

{t | Header 1 | Header 2 |
   | Cell 1   | Cell 2   |
   | Cell 3   | Cell 4   |}

Explicit syntax:

    {th Header 1}
    {th Header 2}}
    {td Cell 1}
    {td Cell 2}}
    {td Cell 3}
    {td Cell 4}}}

Light syntax:

Header 1

Header 2

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4

Explicit syntax:

Header 1

Header 2

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Cell 4


    Odoc language lack support for quotation!
Odoc language lack support for quotation!


@since 4.08

Tags are explained in {{!page-odoc_for_authors.tags}this section}.

Since 4.08.

Tags are explained in this section.