Module Odoc_odoc.CompileSource

Sourcetype parent_cli_spec =
  1. | CliParent of string
  2. | CliPackage of string
  3. | CliNoparent
Sourceval name_of_output : prefix:string -> Fs.File.t -> string

Compute the name of the page from the output file. Prefix is the prefix to remove from the filename.

Parse and resolve a parent reference. Returns the identifier of the parent and its children as a list of reference.

Sourceval compile : resolver:Resolver.t -> parent_cli_spec:parent_cli_spec -> hidden:bool -> children:string list -> output:Fs.File.t -> warnings_options:Odoc_model.Error.warnings_options -> source:(Fpath.t * string list) option -> cmt_filename_opt:string option -> Fs.File.t -> (unit, [> Or_error.msg ]) Or_error.result

Produces .odoc files out of .cm{i,t,ti} or .mld files.