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 2  Files

The term “file” in Unix covers several types of objects:

The file concept includes both the data contained in the file and information about the file itself (also called meta-data) like its type, its access rights, the latest access times, etc.

2.1  The file system

To a first approximation, the file system can be considered to be a tree. The root is represented by '/'. The branches are labeled by (file) names, which are strings of any characters excluding '\000' and '/' (but it is good practice to also avoid non-printing characters and spaces). The non-terminal nodes are directories: these nodes always contain two branches . and .. which respectively represent the directory itself and the directory’s parent. The other nodes are sometimes called files, as opposed to directories, but this is ambiguous, as we can also designate any node as a “file”. To avoid all ambiguity we refer to them as non-directory files.

The nodes of the tree are addressed by paths. If the start of the path is the root of the file hierarchy, the path is absolute, whereas if the start is a directory it is relative. More precisely, a relative path is a string of file names separated by the character '/'. An absolute path is a relative path preceded by the the character '/' (note the double use of this character both as a separator and as the name of the root node).

The Filename module handles paths in a portable manner. In particular, concat concatenates paths without referring to the character '/', allowing the code to function equally well on other operating systems (for example, the path separator character under Windows is '\'). Similarly, the Filename module provides the string values current_dir_name and parent_dir_name to represent the branches . and .. The functions basename and dirname return the prefix d and the suffix b from a path p such that the paths p and d/b refer to the same file, where d is the directory in which the file is found and b is the name of the file. The functions defined in Filename operate only on paths, independently of their actual existence within the file hierarchy.

In fact, strictly speaking, the file hierarchy is not a tree. First the directories . and .. allow a directory to refer to itself and to move up in the hierarchy to define paths leading from a directory to itself. Moreover, non-directory files can have many parents (we say that they have many hard links). Finally, there are also symbolic links which can be seen as non-directory files containing a path. Conceptually, this path can be obtained by reading the contents of the symbolic link like an ordinary file. Whenever a symbolic link occurs in the middle of a path we have to follow its path transparently. If s is a symbolic link whose value is the path l, then the path p/s/q represents the file l/q if l is an absolute path or the file p/l/q if l is a relative path.

Figure 1 gives an example of a file hierarchy. The symbolic link 11 corresponding to the path /tmp/bar whose path value is the relative path ../gnu, does not refer to any existing file in the hierarchy (at the moment).

Figure 1 — An example of a file hierarchy

In general, a recursive traversal of the hierarchy will terminate if the following rules are respected:

But if symbolic links are followed we are traversing a graph and we need to keep track of the nodes we have already visited to avoid loops.

Each process has a current working directory. It is returned by the function getcwd and can be changed with chdir. It is also possible to constrict the view of the file hierarchy by calling chroot p. This makes the node p, which should be a directory, the root of the restricted view of the hierarchy. Absolute file paths are then interpreted according to this new root p (and of course .. at the new root is p itself).

2.2  File names and file descriptors

There are two ways to access a file. The first is by its file name (or path name) in the file system hierarchy. Due to hard links, a file can have many different names. Names are values of type string. For example the system calls unlink, link, symlink and rename all operate at the file name level.

val unlink : string -> unit val link : string -> string -> unit val symlink : string -> string -> unit val rename : string -> string -> unit

Their effect is as follows:

The second way of accessing a file is by a file descriptor. A descriptor represents a pointer to a file along with other information like the current read/write position in the file, the access rights of the file (is it possible to read? write?) and flags which control the behavior of reads and writes (blocking or non-blocking, overwrite, append, etc.). File descriptors are values of the abstract type file_descr.

Access to a file via its descriptor is independent from the access via its name. In particular whenever we get a file descriptor, the file can be destroyed or renamed but the descriptor still points on the original file.

When a program is executed, three descriptors are allocated and tied to the variables stdin, stdout and stderr of the Unix module:

val stdin : file_descr val stdout : file_descr val stderr : file_descr

They correspond, respectively, to the standard input, standard output and standard error of the process.

When a program is executed on the command line without any redirections, the three descriptors refer to the terminal. But if, for example, the input has been redirected using the shell expression cmd < f, then the descriptor stdin refers to the file named f during the execution of the command cmd. Similarly, cmd > f and cmd 2> f respectively bind the descriptors stdout and stderr to the file named f during the execution of the command.

2.3  Meta-attributes, types and permissions

The system calls stat, lstat and fstat return the meta-attributes of a file; that is, information about the node itself rather than its content. Among other things, this information contains the identity of the file, the type of file, the access rights, the time and date of last access and other information.

val stat : string -> stats val lstat : string -> stats val fstat : file_descr -> stats

The system calls stat and lstat take a file name as an argument while fstat takes a previously opened descriptor and returns information about the file it points to. stat and lstat differ on symbolic links : lstat returns information about the symbolic link itself, while stat returns information about the file that the link points to. The result of these three calls is a record of type stats whose fields are described in table 1.

Field nameDescription
st_dev : intThe id of the device on which the file is stored.
st_ino : intThe id of the file (inode number) in its partition. The pair (st_dev, st_ino) uniquely identifies the file within the file system.
st_kind : file_kindThe file type. The type file_kind is an enumerated type whose constructors are:
S_REGRegular file
S_CHRCharacter device
S_BLKBlock device
S_LNKSymbolic link
S_FIFONamed pipe
st_perm : intAccess rights for the file
st_nlink : intFor a directory: the number of entries in the directory. For others: the number of hard links to this file.
st_uid : intThe id of the file’s user owner.
st_gid : intThe id of the file’s group owner.
st_rdev : intThe id of the associated peripheral (for special files).
st_size : intThe file size, in bytes.
st_atime : intLast file content access date (in seconds from January 1st 1970, midnight, gmt).
st_mtime : intLast file content modification date (idem).
st_ctime : intLast file state modification date: either a write to the file or a change in access rights, user or group owner, or number of links.
Table 1 — Fields of the stats structure


A file is uniquely identified by the pair made of its device number (typically the disk partition where it is located) st_dev and its inode number st_ino.


A file has one user owner st_uid and one group owner st_gid. All the users and groups on the machine are usually described in the /etc/passwd and /etc/groups files. We can look up them by name in a portable manner with the functions getpwnam and getgrnam or by id with getpwuid and getgrgid.

val getpwnam : string -> passwd_entry val getgrnam : string -> group_entry val getpwuid : int -> passwd_entry val getgrgid : int -> group_entry

The name of the user of a running process and all the groups to which it belongs can be retrieved with the commands getlogin and getgroups.

val getlogin : unit -> string val getgroups : unit -> int array

The call chown changes the owner (second argument) and the group (third argument) of a file (first argument). If we have a file descriptor, fchown can be used instead. Only the super user can change this information arbitrarily.

val chown : string -> int -> int -> unit val fchown : file_descr -> int -> int -> unit

Access rights

Access rights are encoded as bits in an integer, and the type file_perm is just an abbreviation for the type int. They specify special bits and read, write and execution rights for the user owner, the group owner and the other users as vector of bits:


where in each of the user, group and other fields, the order of bits indicates read (r), write (w) and execute (x) rights. The permissions on a file are the union of all these individual rights, as shown in table 2.

Bit (octal)Notation ls -lAccess right
0o100--x------executable by the user owner
0o200-w-------writable by the user owner
0o400r--------readable by the user owner
0o10-----x--- executable by members of the group owner
0o20----w---- writable by members of the group owner
0o40---r---- readable by members of the group owner
0o1--------xexecutable by other users
0o2-------w-writable by other users
0o4------r--readable by other users
0o1000--------tthe bit t on the group (sticky bit)
0o2000-----s---the bit s on the group (set-gid)
0o4000--s------the bit s on the user (set-uid)
Table 2 — Permission bits

For files, the meaning of read, write and execute permissions is obvious. For a directory, the execute permission means the right to enter it (to chdir to it) and read permission the right to list its contents. Read permission on a directory is however not needed to read its files or sub-directories (but we then need to know their names).

The special bits do not have meaning unless the x bit is set (if present without x set, they do not give additional rights). This is why their representation is superimposed on the bit x and the letters S and T are used instead of s and t whenever x is not set. The bit t allows sub-directories to inherit the permissions of the parent directory. On a directory, the bit s allows the use of the directory’s uid or gid rather than the user’s to create directories. For an executable file, the bit s allows the changing at execution time of the user’s effective identity or group with the system calls setuid and setgid.

val setuid : int -> unit val setgid : int -> unit

The process also preserves its original identities unless it has super user privileges, in which case setuid and setgid change both its effective and original user and group identities. The original identity is preserved to allow the process to subsequently recover it as its effective identity without needing further privileges. The system calls getuid and getgid return the original identities and geteuid and getegid return the effective identities.

val getuid : unit -> int val geteuid : unit -> int val getgid : unit -> int val getegid : unit -> int

A process also has a file creation mask encoded the same way file permissions are. As its name suggests, the mask specifies prohibitions (rights to remove): during file creation a bit set to 1 in the mask is set to 0 in the permissions of the created file. The mask can be consulted and changed with the system call umask:

val umask : int -> int

Like many system calls that modify system variables, the modifying function returns the old value of the variable. Thus, to just look up the value we need to call the function twice. Once with an arbitrary value to get the mask and a second time to put it back. For example:

let m = umask 0 in ignore (umask m); m

File access permissions can be modified with the system calls chmod and fchmod:

val chmod : string -> file_perm -> unit val fchmod : file_descr -> file_perm -> unit

and they can be tested “dynamically” with the system call access:

type access_permission = R_OK | W_OK | X_OK | F_OK val access : string -> access_permission list -> unit

where requested access rights to the file are specified by a list of values of type access_permission whose meaning is obvious except for F_OK which just checks for the file’s existence (without checking for the other rights). The function raises an error if the access rights are not granted.

Note that the information inferred by access may be more restrictive than the information returned by lstat because a file system may be mounted with restricted rights — for example in read-only mode. In that case access will deny a write permission on a file whose meta-attributes would allow it. This is why we distinguish between “dynamic” (what a process can actually do) and “static” (what the file system specifies) information.

2.4  Operations on directories

Only the kernel can write in directories (when files are created). Thus opening a directory in write mode is prohibited. In certain versions of Unix a directory may be opened in read only mode and read with read, but other versions prohibit it. However, even if this is possible, it is preferable not to do so because the format of directory entries vary between Unix versions and is often complex. The following functions allow reading a directory sequentially in a portable manner:

val opendir : string -> dir_handle val readdir : dir_handle -> string val rewinddir : dir_handle -> unit val closedir : dir_handle -> unit

The system call opendir returns a directory descriptor for a directory. readdir reads the next entry of a descriptor, and returns a file name relative to the directory or raises the exception End_of_file if the end of the directory is reached. rewinddir repositions the descriptor at the beginning of the directory and closedir closes the directory descriptor.


The following library function, in Misc, iterates a function f over the entries of the directory dirname.

let iter_dir f dirname = let d = opendir dirname in try while true do f (readdir d) done with End_of_file -> closedir d
* * *

To create a directory or remove an empty directory, we have mkdir and rmdir:

val mkdir : string -> file_perm -> unit val rmdir : string -> unit

The second argument of mkdir determines the access rights of the new directory. Note that we can only remove a directory that is already empty. To remove a directory and its contents, it is thus necessary to first recursively empty the contents of the directory and then remove the directory.

2.5  Complete example: search in a file hierarchy

The Unix command find lists the files of a hierarchy matching certain criteria (file name, type and permissions etc.). In this section we develop a library function Findlib.find which implements these searches and a command find that provides a version of the Unix command find that supports the options -follow and -maxdepth.

We specify the following interface for Findlib.find:

val find : (Unix.error * string * string -> unit) -> (string -> Unix.stats -> bool) -> bool -> int -> string list -> unit

The function call

find handler action follow depth roots

traverses the file hierarchy starting from the roots specified in the list roots (absolute or relative to the current directory of the process when the call is made) up to a maximum depth depth and following symbolic links if the flag follow is set. The paths found under the root r include r as a prefix. Each found path p is given to the function action along with the data returned by Unix.lstat p (or Unix.stat p if follow is true). The function action returns a boolean indicating, for directories, whether the search should continue for its contents (true) or not (false).

The handler function reports traversal errors of type Unix_error. Whenever an error occurs the arguments of the exception are given to the handler function and the traversal continues. However when an exception is raised by the functions action or handler themselves, we immediately stop the traversal and let it propagate to the caller. To propagate an Unix_error exception without catching it like a traversal error, we wrap these exceptions in the Hidden exception (see hide_exn and reveal_exn).

1 open Unix;; 2 3 exception Hidden of exn 4 let hide_exn f x = try f x with exn -> raise (Hidden exn);; 5 let reveal_exn f x = try f x with Hidden exn -> raise exn;; 6 7 let find on_error on_path follow depth roots = 8 let rec find_rec depth visiting filename = 9 try 10 let infos = (if follow then stat else lstat) filename in 11 let continue = hide_exn (on_path filename) infos in 12 let id = infos.st_dev, infos.st_ino in 13 if infos.st_kind = S_DIR && depth > 0 && continue && 14 (not follow || not (List.mem id visiting)) 15 then 16 let process_child child = 17 if (child <> Filename.current_dir_name && 18 child <> Filename.parent_dir_name) then 19 let child_name = Filename.concat filename child in 20 let visiting = 21 if follow then id :: visiting else visiting in 22 find_rec (depth-1) visiting child_name in 23 Misc.iter_dir process_child filename 24 with Unix_error (e, b, c) -> hide_exn on_error (e, b, c) in 25 reveal_exn (List.iter (find_rec depth [])) roots;;

A directory is identified by the id pair (line 12) made of its device and inode number. The list visiting keeps track of the directories that have already been visited. In fact this information is only needed if symbolic links are followed (line 21).

It is now easy to program the find command. The essential part of the code parses the command line arguments with the Arg module.

let find () = let follow = ref false in let maxdepth = ref max_int in let roots = ref [] in let usage_string = ("Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " [files...] [options...]") in let opt_list = [ "-maxdepth", Arg.Int ((:=) maxdepth), "max depth search"; "-follow", Arg.Set follow, "follow symbolic links"; ] in Arg.parse opt_list (fun f -> roots := f :: !roots) usage_string; let action p infos = print_endline p; true in let errors = ref false in let on_error (e, b, c) = errors := true; prerr_endline (c ^ ": " ^ Unix.error_message e) in Findlib.find on_error action !follow !maxdepth (if !roots = [] then [ Filename.current_dir_name ] else List.rev !roots); if !errors then exit 1;; Unix.handle_unix_error find ();;

Although our find command is quite limited, the library function FindLib.find is far more general, as the following exercise shows.

Exercise 1

Use the function FindLib.find to write a command find_but_CVS equivalent to the Unix command:

find . -type d -name CVS -prune -o -print

which, starting from the current directory, recursively prints files without printing or entering directories whose name is CVS. Answer.

* * *
Exercise 2

The function getcwd is not a system call but is defined in the Unix module. Give a “primitive” implementation of getcwd. First describe the principle of your algorithm with words and then implement it (you should avoid repeating the same system call). Answer.

* * *

2.6  Opening a file

The openfile function allows us to obtain a descriptor for a file of a given name (the corresponding system call is open, however open is a keyword in OCaml).

val openfile : string -> open_flag list -> file_perm -> file_descr

The first argument is the name of the file to open. The second argument, a list of flags from the enumerated type open_flag, describes the mode in which the file should be opened and what to do if it does not exist. The third argument of type file_perm defines the file’s access rights, should the file be created. The result is a file descriptor for the given file name with the read/write position set to the beginning of the file.

The flag list must contain exactly one of the following flags:

O_RDONLYOpen in read-only mode.
O_WRONLYOpen in write-only mode.
O_RDWROpen in read and write mode.

These flags determine whether read or write calls can be done on the descriptor. The call openfile fails if a process requests an open in write (resp. read) mode on a file on which it has no right to write (resp. read). For this reason O_RDWR should not be used systematically.

The flag list can also contain one or more of the following values:

O_APPENDOpen in append mode.
O_CREATCreate the file if it does not exist.
O_TRUNCTruncate the file to zero if it already exists.
O_EXCLFail if the file already exists.
O_NONBLOCKOpen in non-blocking mode.
O_NOCTTYDo not function in console mode.
O_SYNCPerform the writes in synchronous mode.
O_DSYNCPerform the data writes in synchronous mode.
O_RSYNPerform the reads in synchronous mode.

The first group defines the behavior to follow if the file exists or not. With:


Most programs use 0o666 for the third argument to openfile. This means rw-rw-rw- in symbolic notation. With the default creation mask of 0o022, the file is thus created with the permissions rw-r--r--. With a more lenient mask of 0o002, the file is created with the permissions rw-rw-r--.

* * *

To read from a file:

openfile filename [O_RDONLY] 0

The third argument can be anything as O_CREAT is not specified, 0 is usually given.

To write to an empty a file without caring about any previous content:

openfile filename [O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC; O_CREAT] 0o666

If the file will contain executable code (e.g. files created by ld, scripts, etc.), we create it with execution permissions:

openfile filename [O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC; O_CREAT] 0o777

If the file must be confidential (e.g. “mailbox” files where mail stores read messages), we create it with write permissions only for the user owner:

openfile filename [O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC; O_CREAT] 0o600

To append data at the end of an existing file or create it if it doesn’t exist:

openfile filename [O_WRONLY; O_APPEND; O_CREAT] 0o666
* * *

The O_NONBLOCK flag guarantees that if the file is a named pipe or a special file then the file opening and subsequent reads and writes will be non-blocking.

The O_NOCTYY flag guarantees that if the file is a control terminal (keyboard, window, etc.), it won’t become the controlling terminal of the calling process.

The last group of flags specifies how to synchronize read and write operations. By default these operations are not synchronized. With:

2.7  Reading and writing

The system calls read and write read and write bytes in a file. For historical reasons, the system call write is provided in OCaml under the name single_write:

val read : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int val single_write : file_descr -> string -> int -> int -> int

The two calls read and single_write have the same interface. The first argument is the file descriptor to act on. The second argument is a string which will hold the read bytes (for read) or the bytes to write (for single_write). The third argument is the position in the string of the first byte to be written or read. The fourth argument is the number of the bytes to be read or written. In fact the third and fourth argument define a sub-string of the second argument (the sub-string should be valid, read and single_write do not check this).

read and single_write return the number of bytes actually read or written.

Reads and write calls are performed from the file descriptor’s current read/write position (if the file was opened in O_APPEND mode, this position is set at the end of the file prior to any write). After the system call, the current position is advanced by the number of bytes read or written.

For writes, the number of bytes actually written is usually the number of bytes requested. However there are exceptions: (i) if it is not possible to write the bytes (e.g. if the disk is full) (ii) the descriptor is a pipe or a socket open in non-blocking mode (iii) due to OCaml, if the write is too large.

The reason for (iii) is that internally OCaml uses auxiliary buffers whose size is bounded by a maximal value. If this value is exceeded the write will be partial. To work around this problem OCaml also provides the function write which iterates the writes until all the data is written or an error occurs. The problem is that in case of error there’s no way to know the number of bytes that were actually written. Hence single_write should be preferred because it preserves the atomicity of writes (we know exactly what was written) and it is more faithful to the original Unix system call (note that the implementation of single_write is described in section 5.7).


Assume fd is a descriptor open in write-only mode.

write fd "Hello world!" 3 7

writes the characters "lo worl" in the corresponding file, and returns 7.

* * *

For reads, it is possible that the number bytes actually read is smaller than the number of requested bytes. For example when the end of file is near, that is when the number of bytes between the current position and the end of file is less than the number of requested bytes. In particular, when the current position is at the end of file, read returns zero. The convention “zero equals end of file” also holds for special files, pipes and sockets. For example, read on a terminal returns zero if we issue a ctrl-D on the input.

Another example is when we read from a terminal. In that case, read blocks until an entire line is available. If the line length is smaller than the requested bytes read returns immediately with the line without waiting for more data to reach the number of requested bytes. (This is the default behavior for terminals, but it can be changed to read character-by-character instead of line-by-line, see section 2.13 and the type terminal_io for more details.)


The following expression reads at most 100 characters from standard input and returns them as a string.

let buffer = String.create 100 in let n = read stdin buffer 0 100 in String.sub buffer 0 n
* * *

The function really_read below has the same interface as read, but makes additional read attempts to try to get the number of requested bytes. It raises the exception End_of_file if the end of file is reached while doing this.

let rec really_read fd buffer start length = if length <= 0 then () else match read fd buffer start length with | 0 -> raise End_of_file | r -> really_read fd buffer (start + r) (length - r);;
* * *

2.8  Closing a descriptor

The system call close closes a file descriptor.

val close : file_descr -> unit

Once a descriptor is closed, all attempts to read, write, or do anything else with the descriptor will fail. Descriptors should be closed when they are no longer needed; but it is not mandatory. In particular, and in contrast to Pervasives’ channels, a file descriptor doesn’t need to be closed to ensure that all pending writes have been performed as write requests made with write are immediately transmitted to the kernel. On the other hand, the number of descriptors allocated by a process is limited by the kernel (from several hundreds to thousands). Doing a close on an unused descriptor releases it, so that the process does not run out of descriptors.

2.9  Complete example: file copy

We program a command file_copy which, given two arguments f1 and f2, copies to the file f2 the bytes contained in f1.

open Unix;; let buffer_size = 8192;; let buffer = String.create buffer_size;; let file_copy input_name output_name = let fd_in = openfile input_name [O_RDONLY] 0 in let fd_out = openfile output_name [O_WRONLY; O_CREAT; O_TRUNC] 0o666 in let rec copy_loop () = match read fd_in buffer 0 buffer_size with | 0 -> () | r -> ignore (write fd_out buffer 0 r); copy_loop () in copy_loop (); close fd_in; close fd_out;;
let copy () = if Array.length Sys.argv = 3 then begin file_copy Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2); exit 0 end else begin prerr_endline ("Usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " <input_file> <output_file>"); exit 1 end;; handle_unix_error copy ();;

The bulk of the work is performed by the the function file_copy. First we open a descriptor in read-only mode on the input file and another in write-only mode on the output file.

If the output file already exists, it is truncated (option O_TRUNC) and if it does not exist it is created (option O_CREAT) with the permissions rw-rw-rw- modified by the creation mask. (This is unsatisfactory: if we copy an executable file, we would like the copy to be also executable. We will see later how to give a copy the same permissions as the original.)

In the copy_loop function we do the copy by blocks of buffer_size bytes. We request buffer_size bytes to read. If read returns zero, we have reached the end of file and the copy is over. Otherwise we write the r bytes we have read in the output file and start again.

Finally, we close the two descriptors. The main program copy verifies that the command received two arguments and passes them to the function file_copy.

Any error occurring during the copy results in a Unix_error caught and displayed by handle_unix_error. Example of errors include inability to open the input file because it does not exist, failure to read because of restricted permissions, failure to write because the disk is full, etc.

Exercise 3

Add an option -a to the program, such that file_copy -a f1 f2 appends the contents of f1 to the end of the file f2. Answer.

* * *

2.10  The cost of system calls and buffers

In the example file_copy, reads were made in blocks of 8192 bytes. Why not read byte per by byte, or megabyte per by megabyte? The reason is efficiency.

Figure 2 shows the copy speed of file_copy, in bytes per second, against the size of blocks (the value buffer_size). The amount of data transferred is the same regardless of the size of the blocks.

Figure 2 — Copy speed as a function of block size

For small block sizes, the copy speed is almost proportional to the block size. Most of the time is spent not in data transfers but in the execution of the loop copy_loop and in the calls to read and write. By profiling more carefully we can see that most of the time is spent in the calls to read and write. We conclude that a system call, even if it has not much to do, takes a minimum of about 4 micro-seconds (on the machine that was used for the test — a 2.8 GHz Pentium 4 ), let us say from 1 to 10 microseconds. For small input/output blocks, the duration of the system call dominates.

For larger blocks, between 4KB and 1MB, the copy speed is constant and maximal. Here, the time spent in system calls and the loop is small relative to the time spent on the data transfer. Also, the buffer size becomes bigger than the cache sizes used by the system and the time spent by the system to make the transfer dominates the cost of a system call2.

Finally, for very large blocks (8MB and more) the speed is slightly under the maximum. Coming into play here is the time needed to allocate the block and assign memory pages to it as it fills up.

The moral of the story is that, a system call, even if it does very little work, costs dearly — much more than a normal function call: roughly, 2 to 20 microseconds for each system call, depending on the architecture. It is therefore important to minimize the number of system calls. In particular, read and write operations should be made in blocks of reasonable size and not character by character.

In examples like file_copy, it is not difficult to do input/output with large blocks. But other types of programs are more naturally written with character by character input or output (e.g. reading a line from a file, lexical analysis, displaying a number etc.). To satisfy the needs of these programs, most systems provide input/output libraries with an additional layer of software between the application and the operating system. For example, in OCaml the Pervasives module defines the abstract types in_channel and out_channel, similar to file descriptors, and functions on these types like input_char, input_line, output_char, or output_string. This layer uses buffers to group sequences of character by character reads or writes into a single system call to read or write. This results in better performance for programs that proceed character by character. Moreover this additional layer makes programs more portable: we just need to implement this layer with the system calls provided by another operating system to port all the programs that use this library on this new platform.

2.11  Complete example: a small input/output library

To illustrate the buffered input/output techniques, we implement a fragment of OCaml Pervasives library. Here is the interface:

exception End_of_file type in_channel val open_in : string -> in_channel val input_char : in_channel -> char val close_in : in_channel -> unit type out_channel val open_out : string -> out_channel val output_char : out_channel -> char -> unit val close_out : out_channel -> unit

We start with the “input” part. The abstract type in_channel is defined as follows:

open Unix;; type in_channel = { in_buffer: string; in_fd: file_descr; mutable in_pos: int; mutable in_end: int };; exception End_of_file

The character string of the in_buffer field is, literally, the buffer. The field in_fd is a (Unix) file descriptor, opened on the file to read. The field in_pos is the current read position in the buffer. The field in_end is the number of valid characters preloaded in the buffer.

The fields in_pos and in_end will be modified in place during read operations; we therefore declare them as mutable.

let buffer_size = 8192;; let open_in filename = { in_buffer = String.create buffer_size; in_fd = openfile filename [O_RDONLY] 0; in_pos = 0; in_end = 0 };;

When we open a file for reading, we create a buffer of reasonable size (large enough so as not to make too many system calls; small enough so as not to waste memory). We then initialize the field in_fd with a Unix file descriptor opened in read-only mode on the given file. The buffer is initially empty (it does not contain any character from the file); the field in_end is therefore initialized to zero.

let input_char chan = if chan.in_pos < chan.in_end then begin let c = chan.in_buffer.[chan.in_pos] in chan.in_pos <- chan.in_pos + 1; c end else begin match read chan.in_fd chan.in_buffer 0 buffer_size with 0 -> raise End_of_file | r -> chan.in_end <- r; chan.in_pos <- 1; chan.in_buffer.[0] end;;

To read a character from an in_channel, we do one of two things. Either there is at least one unread character in the buffer; that is to say, the field in_pos is less than the field in_end. We then return this character located at in_pos, and increment in_pos. Or the buffer is empty and we call read to refill the buffer. If read returns zero, we have reached the end of the file and we raise the exception End_of_file. Otherwise, we put the number of characters read in the field in_end (we may receive less characters than we requested, thus the buffer may be only partially refilled) and we return the first character read.

let close_in chan = close chan.in_fd;;

Closing an in_channel just closes the underlying Unix file descriptor.

The “output” part is very similar to the “input” part. The only asymmetry is that the buffer now contains incomplete writes (characters that have already been buffered but not written to the file descriptor), and not reads in advance (characters that have buffered, but not yet read).

type out_channel = { out_buffer: string; out_fd: file_descr; mutable out_pos: int };; let open_out filename = { out_buffer = String.create 8192; out_fd = openfile filename [O_WRONLY; O_TRUNC; O_CREAT] 0o666; out_pos = 0 };; let output_char chan c = if chan.out_pos < String.length chan.out_buffer then begin chan.out_buffer.[chan.out_pos] <- c; chan.out_pos <- chan.out_pos + 1 end else begin ignore (write chan.out_fd chan.out_buffer 0 chan.out_pos); chan.out_buffer.[0] <- c; chan.out_pos <- 1 end;; let close_out chan = ignore (write chan.out_fd chan.out_buffer 0 chan.out_pos); close chan.out_fd;;

To write a character on an out_channel, we do one of two things. Either the buffer is not full and we just store the character in the buffer at the position out_pos and increment that value. Or the buffer is full and we empty it with a call to write and then store the character at the beginning of the buffer.

When we close an out_channel, we must not forget to write the buffer contents (the characters from 0 to out_pos - 1) to the file otherwise the writes made on the channel since the last time the buffer was emptied would be lost.

Exercise 4

Implement the function:

val output_string : out_channel -> string -> unit

which behaves like a sequence of output_char on each character of the string, but is more efficient. Answer.

* * *

2.12  Positioning

The system call lseek allows to set the current read/write position of a file descriptor.

val lseek : file_descr -> int -> seek_command -> int

The first argument is the file descriptor and the second one the desired position. The latter is interpreted according to the value of the third argument of type seek_command. This enumerated type specifies the kind of position:

SEEK_SETAbsolute position. The second argument specifies the character number to point to. The first character of a file is at position zero.
SEEK_CURPosition relative to the current position. The second argument is an offset relative to the current position. A positive value moves forward and a negative value moves backwards.
SEEK_ENDPosition relative to the end of file. The second argument is an offset relative to the end of file. As for SEEK_CUR, the offset may be positive or negative.

The value returned by lseek is the resulting absolute read/write position.

An error is raised if a negative absolute position is requested. The requested position can be located after the end of file. In that case, a read returns zero (end of file reached) and a write extends the file with zeros until that position and then writes the supplied data.


To position the cursor on the 1000th character of a file:

lseek fd 1000 SEEK_SET

To rewind by one character:

lseek fd (-1) SEEK_CUR

To find out the size of a file:

let file_size = lseek fd 0 SEEK_END in ...
* * *

For descriptors opened in O_APPEND mode, the read/write position is automatically set at the end of the file before each write. Thus a call lseek is useless to set the write position, it may however be useful to set the read position.

The behavior of lseek is undefined on certain type of files for which absolute access is meaningless: communication devices (pipes, sockets) but also many special files like the terminal. In most Unix implementations a call to lseek on these files is simply ignored: the read/write position is set but read/write operations ignore it. In some implementations, lseek on a pipe or a socket triggers an error.

Exercise 5

The command tail displays the last n lines of a file. How can it be implemented efficiently on regular files? What can we do for the other kind of files? How can the option -f be implemented (cf. man tail)? Answer.

* * *

2.13  Operations specific to certain file types

In Unix, data communication is done via file descriptors representing either permanent files (files, peripherals) or volatile ones (pipes and sockets, see chapters 5 and 6). File descriptors provide a uniform and media-independent interface for data communication. Of course the actual implementation of the operations on a file descriptor depends on the underlying media.

However this uniformity breaks when we need to access all the features provided by a given media. General operations (opening, writing, reading, etc.) remain uniform on most descriptors but even, on certain special files, these may have an ad hoc behavior defined by the kind of peripheral and its parameters. There are also operations that work only with certain kind of media.

Normal files

We can shorten a normal file with the system calls truncate and ftruncate.

val truncate : string -> int -> unit val ftruncate : file_descr -> int -> unit

The first argument is the file to truncate and the second the desired size. All the data after this position is lost.

Symbolic links

Most operations on files “follow” symbolic links in the sense that they do not apply to the link itself but to the file on which the link points (for example openfile, stat, truncate, opendir, etc.).

The two system calls symlink and readlink operate specifically on symbolic links:

val symlink : string -> string -> unit val readlink : string -> string

The call symlink f1 f2 creates the file f2 as a symbolic link to f1 (like the Unix command ln -s f1 f2). The call readlink returns the content of a symbolic link, i.e. the name of the file to which the link points.

Special files

Special files can be of “character” or “block” type. The former are character streams: we can read or write characters only sequentially. These are the terminals, sound devices, printers, etc. The latter, typically disks, have a permanent medium: characters can be read by blocks and even seeked relative to the current position.

Among the special files, we may distinguish:

/dev/nullThis is the black hole which swallows everything we put into and from which nothing comes out. This is extremely useful for ignoring the results of a process: we redirect its output to /dev/null (see chapter 5).
/dev/tty*These are the control terminals.
/dev/pty*These are the pseudo-terminals: they are not real terminals but simulate them (they provide the same interface).
/dev/hd*These are the disks.
/procUnder Linux, system parameters organized as a file system. They allow reads and writes.

The usual file system calls on special files can behave differently. However, most special files (terminals, tape drives, disks, etc.) respond to read and write in the obvious manner (but sometimes with restrictions on the number of bytes written or read), but many ignore lseek.

In addition to the usual file system calls, special files which represent peripherals must be commanded and/or configured dynamically. For example, for a tape drive, rewind or fast forward the tape; for a terminal, choice of the line editing mode, behavior of special characters, serial connection parameters (speed, parity, etc.). These operations are made in Unix with the system call ioctl which group together all the particular cases. However, this system call is not provided by OCaml; it is ill-defined and cannot be treated in a uniform way.


Terminals and pseudo-terminals are special files of type character which can be configured from OCaml. The system call tcgetattr takes a file descriptor open on a special file and returns a structure of type terminal_io which describes the status of the terminal according to the posix standard.

type terminal_io = { c_ignbrk : bool; c_brk_int : bool; ...; c_vstop : char }
val tcgetattr : file_descr -> terminal_io

This structure can be modified and given to the function tcsetattr to change the attributes of the peripheral.

val tcsetattr : file_descr -> setattr_when -> terminal_io -> unit

The first argument is the file descriptor of the peripheral. The last argument is a structure of type terminal_io describing the parameters of the peripheral as we want them. The second argument is a value of the enumerated type setattr_when that indicates when the change must be done: immediately (TCSANOW), after having transmitted all written data (TCSADRAIN) or after having read all the received data (TCAFLUSH). TCSADRAIN is recommended for changing write parameters and TCSAFLUSH for read parameters.


When a password is read, characters entered by the user should not be echoed if the standard input is connected to a terminal or a pseudo-terminal.

let read_passwd message = match try let default = tcgetattr stdin in let silent = { default with c_echo = false; c_echoe = false; c_echok = false; c_echonl = false; } in Some (default, silent) with _ -> None with | None -> input_line Pervasives.stdin | Some (default, silent) -> print_string message; flush Pervasives.stdout; tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW silent; try let s = input_line Pervasives.stdin in tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW default; s with x -> tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW default; raise x;;

The read_passwd function starts by getting the current settings of the terminal connected to stdin. Then it defines a modified version of these in which characters are not echoed. If this fails the standard input is not a control terminal and we just read a line. Otherwise we display a message, change the terminal settings, read the password and put the terminal back in its initial state. Care must be taken to set the terminal back to its initial state even after a read failure.

* * *

Sometimes a program needs to start another and connect its standard input to a terminal (or pseudo-terminal). OCaml does not provide any support for this3. To achieve that, we must manually look among the pseudo-terminals (in general, they are files with names in the form of /dev/tty[a-z][a-f0-9]) and find one that is not already open. We can then open this file and start the program with this file on its standard input.

Four other functions control the stream of data of a terminal (flush waiting data, wait for the end of transmission and restart communication).

val tcsendbreak : file_descr -> int -> unit

The function tcsendbreak sends an interrupt to the peripheral. The second argument is the duration of the interrupt (0 is interpreted as the default value for the peripheral).

val tcdrain : file_descr -> unit

The function tcdrain waits for all written data to be transmitted.

val tcflush : file_descr -> flush_queue -> unit

Depending on the value of the second argument, a call to the function tcflush discards the data written but not yet transmitted (TCIFLUSH), or the data received but not yet read (TCOFLUSH) or both (TCIOFLUSH).

val tcflow : file_descr -> flow_action -> unit

Depending on the value of the second argument, a call to the function tcflow suspends the data transmission (TCOOFF), restarts the transmission (TCOON), sends a control character stop or start to request the transmission to be suspended (TCIOFF) or restarted (TCION).

val setsid : unit -> int

The function setsid puts the process in a new session and detaches it from the terminal.

2.14  Locks on files

Two processes can modify the same file in parallel; however, their writes may collide and result in inconsistent data. In some cases data is always written at the end and opening the file with O_APPEND prevents this. This is fine for log files but it does not work for files that store, for example, a database because writes are performed at arbitrary positions. In that case processes using the file must collaborate in order not to step on each others toes. A lock on the whole file can be implemented with an auxiliary file (see page ??) but the system call lockf allows for finer synchronization patterns by locking only parts of a file.

val lockf : file_descr -> lock_command -> int -> unit

2.15  Complete example: recursive copy of files

We extend the function file_copy (section 2.9) to support symbolic links and directories in addition to normal files. For directories, we recursively copy their contents.

To copy normal files we reuse the function file_copy we already defined.

open Unix ... let file_copy input_name output_name = ...

The function set_infos below modifies the owner, the access rights and the last dates of access/modification of a file. We use it to preserve this information for copied files.

let set_infos filename infos = utimes filename infos.st_atime infos.st_mtime; chmod filename infos.st_perm; try chown filename infos.st_uid infos.st_gid with Unix_error(EPERM,_,_) -> ()

The system call utime modifies the dates of access and modification. We use chmod and chown to re-establish the access rights and the owner. For normal users, there are a certain number of cases where chown will fail with a “permission denied” error. We catch this error and ignore it.

Here’s the main recursive function.

let rec copy_rec source dest = let infos = lstat source in match infos.st_kind with | S_REG -> file_copy source dest; set_infos dest infos | S_LNK -> let link = readlink source in symlink link dest | S_DIR -> mkdir dest 0o200; Misc.iter_dir (fun file -> if file <> Filename.current_dir_name && file <> Filename.parent_dir_name then copy_rec (Filename.concat source file) (Filename.concat dest file)) source; set_infos dest infos | _ -> prerr_endline ("Can't cope with special file " ^ source)

We begin by reading the information of the source file. If it is a normal file, we copy its contents with file_copy and its information with set_infos. If it is a symbolic link, we read where it points to and create a link pointing to the same object. If it is a directory, we create a destination directory, then we read the directory’s entries (ignoring the entries about the directory itself or its parent) and recursively call copy_rec for each entry. All other file types are ignored, with a warning.

The main program is straightforward:

let copyrec () = if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3 then begin prerr_endline ("Usage: " ^Sys.argv.(0)^ " <source> <destination>"); exit 2 end else begin copy_rec Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2); exit 0 end ;; handle_unix_error copyrec ();;
Exercise 6

Copy hard links cleverly. As written above copy_rec creates n duplicates of the same file whenever a file occurs under n different names in the hierarchy to copy. Try to detect this situation, copy the file only once and make hard links in the destination hierarchy. Answer.

* * *

2.16  Complete example: Tape ARchive

The tar file format (for tape archive) can store a file hierarchy into a single file. It can be seen as a mini file system.

In this section we define functions to read and write tar files. We also program a command readtar such that readtar a displays the name of the files contained in the archive a and readtar a f extracts the contents of the file f contained in a. Extracting the whole file hierarchy of an archive and generating an archive for a file hierarchy is left as an exercise.

File format specification

A tar archive is a set of records. Each record represents a file; it starts with a header which encodes the information about the file (its name, type, size, owners, etc.) and is followed by the contents of the file. The header is a block of 512 bytes structured as shown in table 3.

OffsetLengthCode TypeNameDescription
0100stringnameFile name
1008octalpermFile permissions
1088octaluidId of user owner
1168octalgidId of group owner
12412octalsizeFile size (in bytes)
13612octalmtimeDate of last modification
1488octalchecksumHeader checksum
1561characterkindFile type
2578stringmagicSignature ("ustar\032\032\0")
26532stringuserName of user owner
29732stringgroupName of group owner
3298octalmajorPeripheral major number
3378octalminorPeripheral minor number
345167  Padding
Note.  Field lengths are in number of bytes. All fields are encoded with character strings terminated with the null character '\000'; except the fields kind and size in which '\000' optional.
Table 3 — Header structure

The file contents is stored right after the header, its size is rounded to a multiple of 512 bytes (the extra space is filled with zeros). Records are stored one after the other. If needed, the file is padded with empty blocks to reach at least 20 blocks.

Since tar archives are also designed to be written on brittle media and reread many years later, the header contains a checksum field which allows to detect when the header is damaged. Its value is the sum of all the bytes of the header (to compute that sum we assume that the checksum field itself is made of zeros).

The kind header field encodes the file type in a byte as follows4:

'\0' or '0''1''2''3''4''5''6''7'

Most of the cases correspond to the values of the Unix file type file_kind stored in the st_kind field of the stats structure. LINK is for hard links which must lead to another file already stored within the archive. CONT is for ordinary file, but stored in a contiguous area of memory (this is a feature of some file systems, we can treat it like an ordinary file).

The link header field stores the link when kind is LNK or LINK. The fields major and minor contain the major and minor numbers of the peripheral when kind is CHR or BLK. These three fields are not used in other cases.

The value of the kind field is naturally represented by a variant type and the header by a record:

type kind = | REG | LNK of string | LINK of string | CHR of int * int | BLK of int * int | DIR | FIFO | CONT type header = { name : string; perm : int; uid : int; gid : int; size : int; mtime : int; kind : kind; user : string; group : string }
Reading a header

Reading a header is not very interesting, but it cannot be ignored.

exception Error of string * string let error err mes = raise (Error (err, mes));; let handle_error f s = try f s with | Error (err, mes) -> Printf.eprintf "Error: %s: %s" err mes; exit 2 let substring s offset len = let max_length = min (offset + len + 1) (String.length s) in let rec real_length j = if j < max_length && s.[j] <> '\000' then real_length (succ j) else j - offset in String.sub s offset (real_length offset);; let integer_of_octal nbytes s offset = let i = int_of_string ("0o" ^ substring s offset nbytes) in if i < 0 then error "Corrupted archive" "integer too large" else i;; let kind s i = match s.[i] with | '\000' | '0' -> REG | '1' -> LINK (substring s (succ i) 99) | '2' -> LNK (substring s (succ i) 99) | '3' -> CHR (integer_of_octal 8 s 329, integer_of_octal 8 s 329) | '4' -> BLK (integer_of_octal 8 s 329, integer_of_octal 8 s 337) | '5' -> DIR | '6' -> FIFO | '7' -> CONT | _ -> error "Corrupted archive" "kind" let header_of_string s = { name = substring s 0 99; perm = integer_of_octal 8 s 100; uid = integer_of_octal 8 s 108; gid = integer_of_octal 8 s 116; size = integer_of_octal 12 s 124; mtime = integer_of_octal 12 s 136; kind = kind s 156; user = substring s 265 32; group = substring s 297 32; } let block_size = 512;; let total_size size = block_size + ((block_size -1 + size) / block_size) * block_size;;

An archive ends either at the end of file where a new record would start or on a complete, but empty, block. To read a header we thus try to read a block which must be either empty or complete. For that we reuse the really_read function defined earlier. The end of file should not be reached when we try to read a block.

let buffer_size = block_size;; let buffer = String.create buffer_size;; let end_of_file_error () = error "Corrupted archive" "unexpected end of file" let without_end_of_file f x = try f x with End_of_file -> end_of_file_error () let read_header fd = let len = read fd buffer 0 buffer_size in if len = 0 || buffer.[0] = '\000' then None else begin if len < buffer_size then without_end_of_file (really_read fd buffer len) (buffer_size - len); Some (header_of_string buffer) end;;
Reading an archive

To perform an operation in an archive, we need to read the records sequentially until we find the target of the operation. Usually we just need to read the header of each record without its contents but sometimes we also need to get back to a previous one to read its contents. As such we keep, for each record, its header and its location in the archive:

type record = { header : header; offset : int; descr : file_descr };;

We define a general iterator that reads and accumulates the records of an archive (without their contents). To remain general, the accumulating function f is abstracted. This allows to use the same iterator function to display records, destroy them, etc.

let fold f initial fd = let rec fold_aux offset accu = ignore (without_end_of_file (lseek fd offset) SEEK_SET); match without_end_of_file read_header fd with Some h -> let r = { header = h; offset = offset + block_size; descr = fd } in fold_aux (offset + total_size h.size) (f r accu) | None -> accu in fold_aux 0 initial;;

The function fold_aux starts from a position offset with a partial result accu. It moves to offset where a record should start, reads a header, constructs the record r and starts again at the end of the record with the new (less partial) result f r accu. It stops when there’s no header: the end of the archive was reached.

Display the record names

We just display the name of records without keeping them:

let list tarfile = let fd = openfile tarfile [ O_RDONLY ] 0o0 in let add r () = print_string; print_newline () in fold add () fd; close fd
Display the contents of a record

The command readtar a f must look for the file f in the archive and, if it is a regular file, display its contents. If f is a hard link on g in the archive, we follow the link and display g since even though f and g are represented differently in the archive they represent the same file. The fact that g or f is a link on the other or vice versa depends only on the order in which the files were traversed when the archive was created. For now we do not follow symbol links.

Hard link resolution is done by the following mutually recursive functions:

let rec find_regular r list = match r.header.kind with | REG | CONT -> r | LINK name -> find_file name list | _ -> error "Not a regular file" and find_file name list = match list with | r :: rest -> if = name then find_regular r rest else find_file name rest | [] -> error name "Link not found (corrupted archive)";;

The function find_regular finds the regular file corresponding to the record r. If r is a regular file itself, r is returned. If r is a hard link the function looks for the regular file in the archive’s previous records stored in list with the function find_file. In all other cases, the function aborts.

Once the record is found we just need to display its contents. After positioning the descriptor at the start of the record’s contents this operation is very similar to the file_copy example.

let copy_file file output = ignore (lseek file.descr file.offset SEEK_SET); let rec copy_loop len = if len > 0 then match read file.descr buffer 0 (min buffer_size len) with | 0 -> end_of_file_error () | r -> ignore (write output buffer 0 r); copy_loop (len-r) in copy_loop file.header.size

We now just need to combine these functions correctly.

exception Done let find_and_copy tarfile filename = let fd = openfile tarfile [ O_RDONLY ] 0o0 in let found_or_collect r accu = if = filename then begin copy_file (find_regular r accu) stdout; raise Done end else r :: accu in try ignore (fold found_or_collect [] fd); error "File not found" filename with | Done -> close fd

We read the records in the archive (but not their contents) until we find the record with the target name. We then call the function find_regular to find the record that actually contains the file. This second, backward, search must succeed if the archive is well-formed. The first search may however fail if the target name is not in the archive. In case of failure, the program takes care to distinguish between these two cases.

Here is the main function which implements the command readtar:

let readtar () = let nargs = Array.length Sys.argv in if nargs = 2 then list Sys.argv.(1) else if nargs = 3 then find_and_copy Sys.argv.(1) Sys.argv.(2) else prerr_endline ("Usage: " ^Sys.argv.(0)^ " <tarfile> [ <source> ]");; handle_unix_error (handle_error readtar) ();;
Exercise 7

Extend the command readtar so that it follows symbolic links in the sense that if the link points to a file of the archive that file’s contents should be extracted. Answer.

* * *
Exercise 8

Write a command untar such that untar a extracts and creates all the files in the archive a (except special files) restoring if possible the information about the files (owners, permissions) as found in the archive.

The file hierarchy should be reconstructed in the current working directory of the untar command. If the archive tries to create files outside a sub-directory of the current working directory this should be detected and prohibited. Nonexistent directories not explicitly mentioned in the archive should be created with the user’s default permissions. Answer.

* * *
Exercise 9

Write a program tar such that tar -xvf a f1 f2 ... constructs the archive a containing the list of files f1, f2, etc. and their sub-directories. Answer.

* * *

This is not possible if the lock file is located on a nfs partition, because nfs does not implement the option O_CREAT of open correctly.
In fact, OCaml limits the size of data transfers to 16KB (in the current version) and repeats write system calls to make the complete transfer — see the discussion in section 5.7. But this limit is bigger than the size of system caches and it is not observable.
The Cash library [3] supplies such functions.
This field can also take different values to encode pathological cases, for example when the value of a field exceeds its size or in extensions of the tar format.

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