Answer of exercise 21

We must introduce an additional non_full condition. We also add a size field to allow queues of different sizes.

type 'a t = { queue : 'a Queue.t; size : int; lock : Mutex.t; non_empty : Condition.t; non_full : Condition.t; } let create k = if k > 0 then { queue = Queue.create (); size = k; lock = Mutex.create (); non_empty = Condition.create (); non_full = Condition.create () } else failwith "Tqueue.create: empty size";;

Addition is a combination of the preceding versions of the add and take functions above.

let add x q = Mutex.lock q.lock; while Queue.length q.queue = q.size do Condition.wait q.non_full q.lock done; if Queue.is_empty q.queue then Condition.broadcast q.non_empty; Queue.add q x; Mutex.unlock q.lock;;

Removal is symmetric to addition (and must now signal non_full when the queue is full beforehand), and is left to the reader. We get the behavior of unbounded queues by choosing max_int for size.

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