• en

Module Includemod

val compunit : Env.t -> string -> Types.signature -> string -> Types.signature -> Typedtree.module_coercion
val type_declarations : Env.t -> Ident.t -> Types.type_declaration -> Types.type_declaration -> unit
val print_coercion : Format.formatter -> Typedtree.module_coercion -> unit
type symptom =
| Missing_field of Ident.t * Location.t * string
| Module_types of Types.module_type * Types.module_type
| Modtype_permutation
| Interface_mismatch of string * string
| Unbound_modtype_path of Path.t
| Unbound_module_path of Path.t
| Invalid_module_alias of Path.t
type pos =
| Module of Ident.t
| Modtype of Ident.t
| Arg of Ident.t
| Body of Ident.t
type error = (pos list * Env.t * symptom)
exception Error of error list
val report_error : Format.formatter -> error list -> unit
val expand_module_alias : Env.t -> pos list -> Path.t -> Types.module_type