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react 1.2.0

Author Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>
License BSD3
Homepage http://erratique.ch/software/react
Maintainer Daniel Bünzli <daniel.buenzl i@erratique.ch>
Tags reactive, declarative, signal, event, frp and org:erratique
OCaml >= 4.00.0
Published Aug 23, 2014
Source [http] http://erratique.ch/software/react/releases/react-1.2.0.tbz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/react/react.1.2.0/opam

Declarative events and signals for OCaml

React is an OCaml module for functional reactive programming (FRP). It provides support to program with time varying values : declarative events and signals. React doesn't define any primitive event or signal, it lets the client chooses the concrete timeline.

React is made of a single, independent, module and distributed under the BSD3 license.