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procord 0.1.0

Maintainer romain.bardou@inria.fr
Published Oct 8, 2013
Source [http] https://github.com/cryptosense/procord/archive/v0.1.0.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/procord/procord.0.1.0/opam

Procord: a portable library to delegate tasks to other processes.

Procord can spawn local worker processes or communicate using sockets to a remote worker server. Workers will receive an input, execute a function on this input, and send back the result. Meanwhile, the main program can continue to run while waiting for the results.

Not relying on threads, Procord is robust - a segmentation fault in the worker will not kill the main program. Not relying on fork, Procord is portable - it has been tested on Linux and Windows.

Procord provides an easy way to have the same executable act as a worker - local or remote - or as the main program. The actual behavior can be specified on the command-line. The default is to run as the main program, which delegates tasks by running itself.

No package is dependent