• en

ocamltter 2.0.0

Maintainer jun.furuse@gmail.com
& cryptokit
ocurl >= 0.5.3
spotlib >= 2.1.1& <= 2.1.2
tiny_json 1.0.0
tiny_json_conv 1.2.0
OCaml >= 4.00.1
Published Jan 30, 2013
Source [http] https://github.com/yoshihiro503/ocamltter/archive/2.0.0.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/ocamltter/ocamltter.2.0.0/opam

The OCAMLTTER twitter client

OCAMLTTER is a Twitter client written in OCaml.

It is a CLI application, implemented as a custom OCaml toplevel (REPL). Common twitter commands are accessible via simple functions like:

       - l();;                 list timeline
       - lc COUNT;;            list timeline (COUNT lines)
       - lu "NAME";;           list NAME's timeline
       - m();;                 list mentions (tweet containing @YOU)
       - u "TEXT";;            post a new message
       - re ID "TEXT";;        reply to ID
       - del ID;;              delete tweet of ID
       - rt ID;;               retweet ID
       - qt ID "TEXT";;        qt ID
       - follow "NAME";;       follow NAME
       - unfollow "NAME";;     unfollow NAME
       - fav ID;;              mark ID as favorites
       - report_spam "NAME"    report NAME as a spam user
       - s "WORD";;            search tweets by a WORD
       - setup ();;            (re)authorize ocamltter
       - let CMD = ...;;       define a your own command CMD
       - help;;                print the help
No package is dependent