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ocaml-xml-rpc 0.2.3

Maintainer contact@ocamlpro.com
& annexlib
ocamlnet >= 3.6.0
Published Aug 21, 2012
Source [http] http://raevnos.pennmush.org/code/ocaml-xml-rpc/ocaml-xml-rpc-0.2.3.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/ocaml-xml-rpc/ocaml-xml-rpc.0.2.3/opam

An XML-RPC client and server, using an ad-hoc interface definition language and IDL compiler

OCaml XML-RPC is an XML-RPC client and server for OCaml, using an ad-hoc interface definition language and IDL compiler. It was started by Shawn Wagner (up to version 0.2.3), was improved for a little while by Eric Stokes (up to version 0.2.6), and is now maintained by Ewan Mellor.

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