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ocaml-sqlexpr 0.5.5

Author Mauricio Fernandez <mfp@acm.org>
License LGPL-2.1 with OCaml linking exception
Homepage http://github.com/mfp/ocaml-sqlexpr
Maintainer mfp@acm.org
& batteries
lwt >= 2.2.0
sqlite3-ocaml 2.0.3| >= 2.0.4
| batteries 1.4.3| 1.5.0
Published Jun 15, 2013
Source [http] https://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/download.php/1203/ocaml-sqlexpr-0.5.5.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/ocaml-sqlexpr/ocaml-sqlexpr.0.5.5/opam

Type-safe, convenient SQLite database access.

Minimalistic library and syntax extension for type-safe, convenient execution of SQL statements. Currently compatible with Sqlite3.

Sqlexpr features:

  • automated prepared statement caching, param binding, data extraction, error checking (including automatic stmt reset to avoid BUSY/LOCKED errors in subsequent queries), stmt finalization on db close, etc.

  • HOFs like iter, fold, transaction

  • support for different concurrency models: everything is functorized over a THREAD monad, so you can for instance do concurrent folds/iters with Lwt

  • support for SQL stmt syntax checks and some extra semantic checking (column names, etc)

No package is dependent