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mpp 0.1.0

Author Philippe Wang <philippe.wang@gmail.com>
License ISC
Homepage https://github.com/pw374/MPP-language-blender
Maintainer philippe.wang@gmail.com
Published Oct 3, 2013
Source [http] http://pw374.github.io/distrib/mpp/mpp-0.1.0.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/mpp/mpp.0.1.0/opam

A preprocessor meant to blend languages.

MPP is a meta processor that is meant to bring any programming language to the preprocessing level. You can easily use OCaml as a preprocessor language for any text-based document. If you want to use another language, you just need to tell MPP how to use it. MPP also works as a simple preprocessor, as it provides its own (tiny) language.

Necessary for