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frama-c 20140301

Authors Patrick Baudin, François Bobot, Richard Bonichon, Loïc Correnson, Pascal Cuoq, Zaynah Dargaye, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Philippe Herrmann, Florent Kirchner, Matthieu Lemerre, Claude Marché, Benjamin Monate, Yannick Moy, Anne Pacalet, Virgile Prévosto, Julien Signoles and Boris Yakobowski
License GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
Homepage http://frama-c.com/
Maintainer francois.bobot@cea.fr
Tags deductive, program verification, formal specification, automated theorem prover, interactive theorem prover, C, plugins, abstract interpretation, slicing, weakest precondition, ACSL and dataflow analysis
& camlp4
ocamlgraph >= 1.8.5
Published May 13, 2014
Source [http] http://frama-c.com/download/frama-c-Neon-20140301.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/frama-c/frama-c.20140301/opam

Platform dedicated to the static analysis of source code written in C

Frama-C is a suite of tools dedicated to the analysis of the source code of software written in C. Neon version.

Frama-C gathers several static analysis techniques in a single collaborative framework. The collaborative approach of Frama-C allows static analyzers to build upon the results already computed by other analyzers in the framework. Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides sophisticated tools, such as a slicer and dependency analysis.

Necessary for
| 2.32
>= 2.34