Module Component.ElementSource

Sourcetype module_type = [
  1. | `ModuleType of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.ModuleType.t * ModuleType.t
Sourcetype datatype = [
  1. | `Type of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Type.t * TypeDecl.t
Sourcetype value = [
  1. | `Value of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Value.t * Value.t
Sourcetype label = [
  1. | `Label of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Label.t * Label.t
Sourcetype class_ = [
  1. | `Class of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Class.t * Class.t
Sourcetype class_type = [
  1. | `ClassType of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.ClassType.t * ClassType.t
Sourcetype type_ = [
  1. | datatype
  2. | class_
  3. | class_type
Sourcetype signature = [
  1. | module_
  2. | module_type
Sourcetype exception_ = [
  1. | `Exception of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Exception.t * Exception.t
Sourcetype extension_decl = [
  1. | `ExtensionDecl of Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.Extension.t * Extension.Constructor.t
Sourcetype label_parent = [
  1. | signature
  2. | type_
  3. | page
Sourcetype fragment_type_parent = [
  1. | signature
  2. | datatype
Sourceval identifier : [< any ] -> Odoc_model.Paths.Identifier.t