Module Odoc_model.RootSource

A root can be seen as a unique representative of a odoc file.

Roots are used by doc-ock (at the root of every resolved path/identifier/reference) and present at the beginning of every .odoc file.

Sourcemodule Package : sig ... end
Sourcemodule Odoc_file : sig ... end
Sourcetype t = {
  1. id : Paths.Identifier.OdocId.t;
  2. file : Odoc_file.t;
  3. digest : Digest.t;
Sourceval equal : t -> t -> bool
Sourceval hash : t -> int
Sourceval compare : t -> t -> int
Sourceval to_string : t -> string
Sourcemodule Hash_table : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
Sourceval contains_double_underscore : string -> bool