Sourcetype module_type =
| Mty_ident of Path.t
| Mty_signature of signature
| Mty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
| Mty_alias of Path.t
and signature_item =
| Sig_value of Ident.t * Types.value_description * visibility
| Sig_type of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration * Types.rec_status * visibility
| Sig_typext of Ident.t
* Types.extension_constructor
* Types.ext_status
* visibility
| Sig_module of Ident.t
* module_presence
* module_declaration
* Types.rec_status
* visibility
| Sig_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration * visibility
| Sig_class of Ident.t * Types.class_declaration * Types.rec_status * visibility
| Sig_class_type of Ident.t
* Types.class_type_declaration
* Types.rec_status
* visibility
and module_declaration = {
md_type : module_type;
md_attributes : Parsetree.attributes;
md_loc : Location.t;
and modtype_declaration = {
mtd_type : module_type option;
mtd_attributes : Parsetree.attributes;
mtd_loc : Location.t;