Sourcetype break_hierarchy =
| Aesthetic
| Simple
| Line
| Paragraph
| Separation
Sourcetype row_size =
| Empty
| Small
| Large
| Huge
Sourcetype elt =
| Txt of string list
| Section of section
| Verbatim of string
| Internal_ref of reference
| External_ref of string * t option
| Label of string
| Raw of string
| Tag of string * t
| Style of [ `Emphasis | `Bold | `Superscript | `Subscript | `Italic ] * t
| Code_block of t
| Inlined_code of t
| Code_fragment of t
| Break of break_hierarchy
| List of list_info
| Description of (t * t) list
| Indented of t
| Layout_table of layout_table
| Table of table
| Ligaturable of string
Sourceand section = {
level : int;
label : string option;
content : t;
Sourceand reference = {
short : bool;
target : string;
text : t option;