Module Odoc_html.ConfigSource

Sourcetype t
Sourceval v : ?search_result:bool -> ?theme_uri:Types.uri -> ?support_uri:Types.uri -> ?search_uris:Types.file_uri list -> semantic_uris:bool -> indent:bool -> flat:bool -> open_details:bool -> as_json:bool -> unit -> t

search_result indicates whether this is a summary for a search result. In that case, the links will be printed as regular text.

Sourceval theme_uri : t -> Types.uri
Sourceval support_uri : t -> Types.uri
Sourceval search_uris : t -> Types.file_uri list
Sourceval semantic_uris : t -> bool
Sourceval indent : t -> bool
Sourceval flat : t -> bool
Sourceval open_details : t -> bool
Sourceval as_json : t -> bool
Sourceval search_result : t -> bool