Module Odoc_document.CommentSource

Sourcemodule Comment = Odoc_model.Comment
Sourceval default_lang_tag : string
Sourceval source_of_code : string -> Types.Source.token list
Sourcemodule Reference : sig ... end
Sourceval module_references : Comment.module_reference list ->
Sourceval nestable_block_element : Comment.nestable_block_element -> list
Sourceval attached_block_element : Comment.attached_block_element -> Types.Block.t
Sourceval heading_level_to_int : [< `Paragraph | `Section | `Subparagraph | `Subsection | `Subsubsection | `Title ] -> int
Sourceval item_element : Comment.block_element -> Types.Item.t list
Sourceval synopsis : decl_doc: [> `Paragraph of Comment.paragraph ] as 'a Odoc_model.Location_.with_location list -> expansion_doc:'a Odoc_model.Location_.with_location list option -> list

The documentation of the expansion is used if there is no comment attached to the declaration.

Sourceval has_doc : 'a list -> bool