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reins 0.1a

Homepage http://ocaml-reins.sourceforge.net/
Maintainer ygrek@autistici.org
& ocamlfind
Published Nov 21, 2013
Source [http] http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/ocaml-reins/ocaml-reins/ocaml-reins-0.1a/ocaml-reins-0.1a.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/reins/reins.0.1a/opam

Persistent data structure library from OCaml Summer Project 2007 sponsored by Jane St. Capital.

It provides: single linked lists, O(1) catenable lists, acyclic double linked lists, random access lists, double ended queues, binomial and skew binomial heap, AVL, red/black, splay and Patricia Maps and Sets with zipper style (persistent and bi-directional) cursor interfaces, along with functor combinators to minimize boilerplate.

No package is dependent