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ocp-indent 1.4.2

License LGPL
Homepage http://www.typerex.org/ocp-indent.html
Maintainer contact@ocamlpro.com
Tags org:ocamlpro and org:typerex
& cmdliner
ocp-build >= 1.99.6-beta
Published Aug 26, 2014
Source [http] https://github.com/OCamlPro/ocp-indent/archive/1.4.2b.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/ocp-indent/ocp-indent.1.4.2/opam

A simple tool to indent OCaml programs

Ocp-indent is based on an approximate, tolerant OCaml parser and a simple stack machine ; this is much faster and more reliable than using regexps. Presets and configuration options available, with the possibility to set them project-wide. Supports most common syntax extensions, and extensible for others.


  • An indentor program, callable from the command-line or from within editors
  • Bindings for popular editors
  • A library that can be directly used by editor writers, or just for approximate parsing.
Necessary for
>= 1.1.1
>= 1.0.0