Module Typedecl
val transl_with_constraint : Env.t -> Ident.t -> Path.t option -> Types.type_declaration -> Parsetree.type_declaration -> Typedtree.type_declaration
val is_fixed_type : Parsetree.type_declaration -> bool
val compute_variance_decls : Env.t -> (Ident.t * Types.type_declaration * Types.type_declaration * Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration * 'a Typedtree.class_infos) list -> (Types.type_declaration * Types.type_declaration * Types.class_declaration * Types.class_type_declaration) list
type error =
| Repeated_parameter
| Duplicate_constructor of string
| Too_many_constructors
| Duplicate_label of string
| Recursive_abbrev of string
| Null_arity_external
| Missing_native_external
| Bad_variance of int * (bool * bool * bool) * (bool * bool * bool)
| Bad_fixed_type of string
| Varying_anonymous