• en


Big integer library, written by Michel Quercia. Compares well to GMP.

Numerix is a library implementing arbitrary long signed integers and the usual arithmetic operations between those numbers. It primarily targets ocaml, but is also available with reduced functionalities for the Camllight, C and Pascal languages on 32 or 64 bit Unix-type computers.

doc (en) : http://pauillac.inria.fr/~quercia/cdrom/bibs/numerix-eng.pdf doc (fr) : http://pauillac.inria.fr/~quercia/cdrom/bibs/numerix.pdf

Note: this opam package only builds the ocaml version (all modules, e.g. slong, dlong, clong, gmp and big), with the --enable-sse2 flag. Because of gmp, you need gmp headers (aptitude install libgmp-dev on debian). The --enable-longlong flag is not uses (gives some troubles on x86-64 architecture).

Author Michel Quercia
License GNU Library General Public License version 2 with special exception (cf LICENCE file)
Homepage http://pauillac.inria.fr/~quercia/
Maintainer iksnalybok@gmail.com


Jun 13, 2013

Published version 0.22