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mesh 0.8.4

Author Christophe Troestler
License LGPL-2.0 with OCaml linking exception
Homepage http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/mesh/
Maintainer Christophe.Troestler@umons.ac.be
Tag clib:triangle
& base-bigarray
Optional dependencies
Published Apr 9, 2014
Source [http] https://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/download.php/1396/mesh-0.8.4.tar.gz
Edit https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/tree/master/packages/mesh/mesh.0.8.4/opam

Triangular mesh generation and manipulation.

This is an interface to various mesh generators, in particular triangle. It also provides functions to optimize the numbering of mesh points and to export meshes and piecewise linear functions defined on them to TikZ, Scilab, Matlab, and Mathematica formats.

No package is dependent